TI 814-01
3 August 1998
e. Water quality data. Base water quality investigations or analysis of available data at or
near the proposed point of diversion should include biological, bacteriological, physical,
chemical, and radiological parameters covering several years and reflecting seasonal
variations. Sources of water quality data are installation records, U.S. Geological Survey
District or Regional offices and Water Quality Laboratories, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency regional offices, state geological surveys, state water resources agencies, state and
local health departments, and nearby water utilities, including those serving power and
industrial plants, which utilize the proposed source. Careful study of historical water quality
data is usually more productive than attempting to assess quality from analysis of a few
samples, especially on streams. Only if a thorough search fails to locate existing, reliable
water quality data should a sampling program be initiated. If such a program is required, the
advice and assistance of an appropriate state water agency will be obtained. Special
precautions are required to obtain representative samples and reliable analytical results. Great
caution must be exercised in interpreting any results obtained from analysis of relatively few
4-6. CHECKLIST FOR EXISTING SOURCES OF SUPPLY. The following items, as well as
others, if circumstances warrant, will be covered in the investigation of existing sources of
supply from Government-owned or other sources.
a. Quality history of the supply; estimates of future quality.
b. Permits from regulating authorities and compliance history.
c. Description of source.
d. Water rights.
f. Quantity now developed.
g. Ultimate quantity available.
h. Excess supply not already allocated.
i. Raw water pumping and transmission facilities.
j. Treatment works.
k. Treated water storage.
l. High service pumping and transmission facilities.
m. Rates in gal/min at which supply is available.
n. Current and estimated future cost per 1,000 gallons.