TM 5-818-8/AFJMAN 3 2 - 1 0 3 0
Figure 6-4. Ditch Liners.
h (fig 6-7) behind the silt fence with sediment. The
the sediment-filled water through the geotextile.
height of the silt fence geotextile should not
(4) Required geotextile properties. The geotex-
exceed 3 feet.
tile used for silt fence must also have:
(2) Design for maximum particle retention.
to prevent damage by floating debris and to limit
have an AOS that will satisfy the following equa-
tearing where attached to posts and fence.
tion with a limiting value equal to the No. 120
sieve size.
the desired life of the fence.
(5) Construction considerations.
(eq 6-l)
(a) Silt fences should be constructed after
the cutting of trees but before having any sod
A minimum of 90-pound tensile strength (ASTM D
disturbing construction activity in the drainage
4632 Grab Test Method) is recommended for use
with support posts spaced a maximum of 8 feet
(b) It is a good practice to construct the silt
fence across a flat area in the form of a horseshoe.
(3) Design for filtration efficiency. The geotex-
This aids in the ponding of the runoff, and in-
tile should be capable of filtering most of the soil
creases the strength of the fence. Prefabricated silt
particles carried in the runoff from a construction
fence sections containing geotextile and support
site without unduly impeding the flow. ASTM D
posts are commercially available. They are gener-
5141 presents the laboratory test used to deter-
ally manufactured in heights of 18 and 36 inches.
mine the filtering efficiency and the flow rate of