5-815-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
cessfully installed and tested.
system required).
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for instal-
(b) Drawings showing the soil conditions, strati-
fication, and characteristics; location and size of
lation of M, R, S, and T piezometers shall constitute
berms, ditches, and deep wells; piezometers, well-
full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, mate-
points; and sumps and discharge lines or ditches.
rials, and equipment for performing all operations
necessary to install, develop, and test the M, R, S, and
(c) Capacities of pumps, prime movers, and
standby equipment.
T piezometers.
(d) Design calculations including design param-
(c) Payment at the contract unit price for instal-
eters and basis of such parameters, factors of safety,
lation of N piezometers shall constitute full compensa-
characteristics of pumping equipment, piping, etc.
tion for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and
equipment for performing all operations necessary to
(e) Detailed description of procedures for in-
stalling, maintaining, and monitoring performance of
install, develop, and test N piezometers.
the system.
(10) Testing, operation, and maintenance of de-
(2) Notice to Proceed issued by Engineer or re-
watering systems.
ceipt of the dewatering plans and data submitted by
(a) No measurements will be made for testing,
Contractor shall not in any way be considered to re-
operation, and maintenance of the deep-well and jet-
lieve the Contractor from full responsibility for errors
eductor well systems.
therein or from the entire responsibility for complete
(b) Payment for testing, operations, and mainte-
and adequate design and performance of the system in
nance of the dewatering systems as specified will be
made at the lump sum price and shall constitute full
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for proper
compensation for the duration of this contract and un-
design, installation, operation, maintenance, and any
til the systems are transferred to the Phase III Con-
failures of any component of the system.
tractor or the Government.
(3) The Contractor shall be responsible for the ac-
G-7. Example of type B-3 specifications
curacy of the drawings, design data, and operational
records required.
a. General.
c. Damages. The Contractor shall be responsible for
(1) The dewatering system shall be designed by
and shall repair without cost to the Owner any damage
the Contractor using accepted and professional
to work in place, other Contractor's equipment, util-
methods of design and engineering consistent with the
ities, residences, highways, roads, railroads, private
best modern practice.
and municipal well systems, and the excavation, that
(2) The dewatering system shall be of sufficient
may result from his or her negligence, inadequate or
size and capacity as required to control ground and
improper design and operation of the dewatering sys-
surface water flow into the excavation and to allow all
tem, and any mechanical or electrical failure of the de-
work to be accomplished in the "dry."
watering system.
(3) The Contractor shall control, by acceptable
means, all water regardless of source and shall be fully
d. Maintaining excavation in dewatered condition.
responsible for disposal of the water. The Contractor
Subsequent to completion of excavation and during
shall confine all discharge piping and/or ditches to the
the installation of all work in the excavated area, the
available easement or to additional easement obtained
by the Contractor. All necessary means for disposal of
watered condition. System maintenance shall include
the water, including obtaining additional easement,
but not be limited to 24-hour supervision by personnel
shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional
skilled in the operation, maintenance, and replace-
cost to the owner.
ment of system components, and any other work re-
quired to maintain the excavation in a dewatered con-
b. Design.
dition. Dewatering shall be a continuous operation and
(1) Contractor shall obtain the services of a qual-
interruptions due to outages, or any other reason, shall
ified dewatering "Expert" or a firm to provide a de-
not be permitted.
tailed plan for dewatering the excavation. Contractor
shall submit his or her dewatering plan to the Engi-
e. System removal. The Contractor shall remove all
neer for review and approval. The material to be sub-
dewatering equipment from the site, including related
mitted shall include, but not be limited to, the follow-
temporary electrical service. All wells shall be re-
moved or cut off a minimum of 3 feet below the final
(a) The qualifications and experience of the se-
ground surface and capped. Holes left from pulling
lected dewatering "Expert" or the firm (minimum of 5
wells or wells that are capped shall be grouted in a
years of proven experience in the design of equivalent
manner approved by the Engineer.