TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
dewatering system, and any mechanical failure of the
for payment on the basis of each pump properly in-
stalled and fully operational.
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for instal-
k. Transfer of system. The succeeding Contractor
lation of dewatering turbine pumps, engines, and ac-
for Phase III construction, or the Government, shall
cessories shall constitute full compensation for fur-
take title to the complete surface and dewatering sys-
nishing all plant, labor, materials, and equipment for
tems when the Contractor for Phase II completes his
furnishing and installing the pumps and engines.
or her work. The facilities to be transferred include all
(5) Standby turbine pumps.
dewatering wells, jet-eductor wells, pumps, engines,
(a) Standby turbine pumps will be measured for
gear drives, piezometers, header pipe, valves, and all
payment on the basis of each complete pump placed on
spare parts and standby equipment pertinent to the
the jobsite.
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for fur-
watering systems shall be continuously operated dur-
nishing standby turbine pumps shall constitute full
ing the transfer of the system to either the Phase III
compensation for furnishing the pumps and placing in
Contractor or to the Government. The (succeeding)
appropriate storage. Each standby turbine pump shall
Contractor for Phase III work, or the Government,
include all components shown on the drawings includ-
shall take title to the complete dewatering well, jet-
ing, but not limited to, 130 feet of column pipe and
eductor, and surface water control systems as installed
shafting, pump bowls, suction pipe, pump head, gear
when either assumes responsibility for maintaining
drive, and flexible coupling.
the excavation dewatered. The Contractor (Phase II)
(6) Standby diesel power units.
shall not be responsible for removing any of the de-
(a) Standby diesel power units will be measured
watering systems or grouting of wells or supplemental
for payment on the basis of each complete power unit
dewatering facilities, if any, installed by him or her, at
placed on the jobsite.
the end of his or her contract or subsequently there-
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for fur-
nishing standby diesel power units shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, mate-
l. Measurement and payment.
rials, and equipment for furnishing the diesel engines
(1) Unwatering Phase I excavation.
and placing in appropriate storage. Each standby die-
(a) No measurement will be made for unwater-
sel power unit shall include all components shown on
ing Phase I excavation.
the drawings including the 110-horsepower diesel en-
(b) Payment for unwatering Phase I excavation
gine with clutch power takeoff and fuel tank.
will be made at the lump sum price and shall consti-
tute full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor,
(7) Well discharge header system.
(a) No measurement will be made for the well
materials, and equipment necessary to unwater Phase
discharge header system.
I excavation.
(b) Payment for the well discharge header sys-
(2) Surface water control and sump pumping.
tem will be made at the lump sum price and shall con-
(a) No measurement will be made for surface
stitute full compensation for furnishing all plant,
water control and sump pumping.
labor, materials, and equipment necessary to install
(b) Payment for surface water control and sump
the system. The system includes, but is not limited to,
pumping will be made at the lump sum price and shall
header pipe, valves, fittings, outfall structures, and ac-
constitute full compensation for furnishing all plant,
labor, materials, and equipment for surface water con-
trol and sump pumping, regardless of the source of
(8) Jet-eductor wells.
(a) Jet-eductor wells will be measured for pay-
ment by the linear foot to the nearest foot from the
(3) Deep dewatering wells.
(berm) ground surface to the bottom of the PVC pipe
(a) Dewatering wells will be measured for pay-
as installed.
ment on the basis of each well successfully completed
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for instal-
and accepted by the Government,
lation of jet-eductor wells shall constitute full compen-
(b) Payment at the contract unit price for instal-
sation for all plant, labor, header pipe, pumps, engines,
lation of dewatering wells shall constitute full compen-
tanks, valves, connections, materials, and equipment
sation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and
for performing all operations necessary to install the
equipment for performing all operations necessary to
jet eductors and pumping system as shown on the
install, develop, and test pump each well.
(4) Dewatering turbine pumps, engines, and acces-
(9) Piezometers.
(a) M, R, S, T, and N piezometers will be meas-
(a) Dewatering turbine pumps, engines, and ac-
ured for payment on the basis of each piezometer suc-
cessories as specified on the drawings will be measured