TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Officer, the Contractor shall remove all dewatering
at the office of the Area Engineer or in the District of-
equipment from the site, including related temporary
electrical secondary as approved by the Contracting
f. Standby equipment. The Contractor shall furnish
Officer. All wells shall be plugged and/or filled. Re-
standby pumping equipment power as follows:
moval work required under this paragraph does not in-
(1) Diesel, liquid petroleum gas, and gasoline
clude any of site cleanup work as required elsewhere in
fueled prime movers for pumps shall have 50 percent
these specifications.
standby equipment.
j. Method of measurement. Dewatering, as specified
in K(2) below, to be paid for will be determined by the
percent standby generating equipment.
number of calendar days (24 hours), counted on a day-
(3) Commercial electric power, which is available
to-day basis, the excavation is maintained in a de-
at the site, shall have 100 percent standby electric gen-
watered condition, measured to the nearest hour, from
erating equipment.
completion and final acceptance of the concrete foun-
(4) The Contractor shall provide not less than one
dation for the A- 1 test stand area to the date on which
complete spare pumping unit for every five pumping
a written directive to cease pumping operations is re-
units other than deep-well pumps in the system. In no
ceived from the Contracting Officer.
case shall less than one standby pumping unit be pro-
k. Payment.
vided. The sizes of the standby pumping units shall be
(1) Dewatering during excavation and construc-
subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer.
tion. Payment for furnishing all designs and engineer-
g. Damages. The Contractor shall be responsible
ing data, plant, labor, equipment, material, and appur-
for, and shall repair without cost to the Government,
tenances and for performing all operations in connec-
any damage to work in place, the other Contractors'
tion with designing, furnishing, installing, operating,
equipment, and the excavation, including damage to
and maintaining the dewatering system until the work
the bottom due to heave and including removal of ma-
in the area is completed and accepted will be made at
terial and pumping out of the excavated area that may
the applicable contract lump sum price for "Dewater-
result from his or her negligence, inadequate or im-
ing A-1 Test Stand Area, Deep Wells," and "Dewater-
proper design and operation of the dewatering system,
ing A-1 Test Stand Area, Except for Deep Wells."
and any mechanical or electrical failure of the de-
Twenty-five percent of the contract price for each item
watering system.
will be paid upon completion of the installation of the
h. Maintaining excavation in dewatered condition.
dewatering system for the excavation. A second 25
(1) General. Subsequent to completion and accept-
percent of the contract price for each item will be paid
ance of all work, including piling and concrete work, in
upon satisfactory completion of 80 percent of the esti-
the excavated area, the Contractor shall maintain the
mated excavation quantity. A third 25 percent of the
excavation in a dewatered condition and the water
contract price for each item will be paid upon satisfac-
level in the observation wells at the specified and ap-
tory completion of 100 percent of the required excava-
proved elevation until such time as the succeeding
tion. Fifteen percent of the contract price for each
Contractor commences dewatering operations, and a
item will be paid when final acceptance of all work in
written directive to cease pumping operations has
the excavation is made. The remaining 10 percent of
been received from the Contracting Officer. System
the contract price for each item will be paid after writ-
maintenance shall include but not be limited to 24-
ten notice to cease dewatering operations has been is-
hour supervision by personnel skilled in the operation,
sued and final cleanup and final acceptance of all work
maintenance, and replacement of system components;
has been made.
standby and spare equipment of the same capacity and
(2) Maintaining area in dewatered condition. Pay-
quantity as specified in f above; and any other work re-
ment for furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, and
quired by the Contracting Officer to maintain the ex-
material and for performing all operations in connec-
cavation in a dewatered condition. Dewatering shall be
a continuous operation and interruptions due to out-
dewatered condition will be made at the applicable
ages, or any other reason, shall not be permitted.
contract unit price per calendar day for "Maintaining
(2) Responsibility. The Contractor shall be respon-
A-1 Test Stand Excavation in Dewatered Condition."
sible for all damages to accepted work in the excava-
No payment will be made for this item for periods,
tion area and for damages to any other area caused by
measured to nearest hour, during which the dewater-
his or her failure to maintain and operate the system
ing system is not operated and maintained as specified
as specified above or from water overflowing his or her
(3) Removal of systems. Payment for furnishing
all plant, labor, equipment, and material and for per-
i. System removal. Upon receipt of written directive
forming all operations in connection with removal of
to cease dewatering operations from the Contracting