TM 5-818-4/AFM 88-5, Chap. 5
b. Inspection personnel training program. Prior to
tained so that considerable emphasis can be placed on
construction, the training, guidance, and support re-
such methods as a control procedure rather than rely-
quired to ensure that the inspection force is fully com-
ing on field tests alone. Inspection personnel should be
petent should be determined. If experience is lacking,
capable of selecting locations at which field density
training and supervision become more important and
and moisture determinations should be made. To meet
this requirement they must be present almost continu-
(1) The training program for earthwork inspec-
ously during compaction operations to observe and
tion personnel should consist of both classroom and
note areas where tests appear to be needed. Laboratory
field instruction. During the classroom sessions, the
technicians should be made available to perform tests
specifications should be studied, discussed, and inter-
so that the inspection personnel will be free to observe
preted as to the intent of the designer. The critical
the placement and compaction process on another por-
areas of compaction should be pointed out as well as
tion of the backfill. Inspection personnel should be
the location of zoned and transitional areas. The in-
able to use expedient quick-check field apparatus such
spection personnel should be instructed on the various
as the Proctor and hand-cone penetrometers (sec. B-3,
zones of backfill, types of backfill, density require-
app. B) to make a rapid check of the field water con-
ments, and classification and compaction characteris-
tent to supplement acceptance testing and to serve as a
tics for each class of backfill. Inspection personnel
guide in determining areas that should be tested. In-
should also be instructed as to approved sources of bor-
spection personnel should also be well versed in nor-
row for each type of backfill and borrow pit opera-
mal testing procedures so they can properly supervise
tions, such as loading procedures to provide uniform
testing or explain the procedure in case they are ques-
materials and prewetting to provide uniform moisture.
tioned by contractor personnel.
The various types of backfill should be studied, so in-
(4) It is necessary and important that inspection
spection personnel can recognize and readily identify
personnel ascertain their authority and responsibility
these materials. Jar samples may be furnished for
at an early stage in the construction. Their policy
later reference and comparison; preferably these
should be one of firmness coupled with practicality.
should be samples of the particular soils on which lab
The quality of the work should not be compromised;
oratory compaction tests were performed in design
however, unreasonable requirements and restrictions
studies. Instructions should be given as to water con-
should not be placed on the contractor in enforcing the
tent control, lift thickness, and most suitable compac-
specifications. If the inspection personnel know their
tion equipment for each type of backfill. Inspection
personnel should be capable of recommending alter-
contractor, they will gain his or her respect and coop-
nate procedures to achieve the desired results when
eration and be able to efficiently carry out their re-
the contractor's procedure is unsuccessful.
(2) Inspection personnel should be made aware of
the importance of their work by explaining the engi-
b. Field laboratory facilities. The field laboratory is
neering features of the design on which the construc-
used for routine testing of construction materials (such
tion requirements are based. Every opportunity should
as gradation, water content, compaction, and Atter-
be taken to assemble the inspection force for discus-
berg limits tests) and for determining the adequacy of
sion of construction problems and procedures so that
field compaction. The data obtained from tests per-
all can gain knowledge from the experience of others.
formed by inspection personnel serve as a basis for de-
Inspection personnel should be kept informed of all de-
termining and ensuring compliance with the specifica-
cisions and agreements pertinent to their work that
tions, for obtaining the maximum benefit from the
are made at higher levels of administration. They
materials being used, and for providing a complete rec-
should be advised of the limits of their authority and
ord of the materials placed in every part of the project.
contact with contractor personnel.
The size and type of laboratory required are dependent
(3) Field training of inspection personnel should
on the magnitude of the job and the type of structures
include observation of their control techniques and ad-
being built. Where excavation and backfill construc-
ditional instruction on elements of fieldwork requiring
tion are extensive and widespread, the establishment
correction. Inspection personnel should be instructed
of a centrally located field laboratory is generally
in the telltale signs that give visual indications wheth-
beneficial. This laboratory in addition to having equip-
er sufficient compaction is being applied and proper
ment for on-the-job control will provide a nucleus of
water content is being maintained (see para 7-5b (4)
experienced soils engineers or engineering technicians
and EM 1110-2-1911 for discussion of telltale signs).
for general supervision and training of inspection per-
They should develop the ability to determine from vis-
sonnel. Field control laboratories on the sites may be
ual observations (based on correlations with tests on
established as necessary during the excavation and
the project) that satisfactory compaction is being ob-
backfill phases of the construction. They may be set up