TM 5-818-4/AFM 88-5, Chap. 5
7-l. General. The heterogeneous nature of soil
quality control of all work including any work by sub
makes it the most variable construction material with ontractors.
which engineers are required to work. Research in soil b. Corps acceptance control. In contrast to the con-
mechanics and experience gained recently in con- tractor's quality control, the Government is responsi-
structing large earth embankments have provided ad- ble for quality assurance, which includes: the checks,
ditional knowledge toward understanding and predict- inspections, and tests of the products that comprise
ing the behavior of a soil as a construction material. the construction; the processes used in the work; and
However, only with careful control can engineers en- the finished work for the purpose of determining
sure that backfill construction will satisfactorily fulfillwhether the contractor's quality control is effective
the intended functions. Both the contractor and the and he is meeting the requirements of the contract.
Government share dual responsibility in achieving a These activities are to assure that defective work or
satisfactory product. The contractor is responsible for materials are not incorporated in the construction.
inspection and tests through his quality control sys-
tem. The Government's responsibility is assuring that c. Coordination between Government and contrac-
the contractor's quality control system is achieving the tor. The contractor's quality control does not relieve
desired results through its quality acceptance system. the Contracting Officer from his responsibility for
safeguarding the Government's interest. The quality
a. Contractor quality control. The contractor is re-
assurance inspections and tests made by the Govern-
sponsible for all of the activities that are necessary to ment may be carried out at the same time and adjacent
ensure that the finished work complies with the plans to the contractor's quality control operations. Quality
and specifications to include quality control require- control and quality assurance supplement one another
ments, supervision, inspection, and testing. The con- and assist in avoidance of construction deficiencies or
struction contract special provisions explain the qual- in early detection of such deficiencies when they can
ity control system that the contractor must establish; be easily corrected without requiring later costly tear
the technical provisions specify the construction re- out and rebuild. The remainder of this chapter discuss-
quirements with the tests, inspections, and submittals es the Corps quality assurance activities.
that the contractor must follow to produce acceptable
(1) Prior to construction, the contractor must sub- 7-2. Corps acceptance control organiza-
mit for approval by the Contracting Officer his plan
for controlling construction quality. The plan must a. General. Difficulties in construction of a com-
contain all of the elements outlined in the special pro- pacted backfill can be attributed at least in part to in-
visions and demonstrate a capability for controlling all experience of the control personnel in this phase of
of the construction operations specified in the tech-
construction work or lack of emphasis as to the impor-
nical provisions. The plan must include the personnel tance of proper procedure and control. Since it is es-
(whether contractor's personnel or outside private sential that policies with regard to control be estab-
firm) and procedures the contractor intends to use for lished prior to the initiation of construction, thorough
controlling quality, instructions and authority he is knowledge of the capabilities of the control organiza-
giving his personnel, and the report form he will use. tion and of the intent of the plans and specifications is
The plan should be coordinated with his project con- required. Control is achieved by a review of construc-
struction schedule.
tion plans and specifications, visual inspection of con-
(2) During construction, the contractor is respon- struction operations and procedures, and physical test-
sible for exercising day by day construction quality ing. A well-organized, experienced inspection force can
control in consonance with his accepted control plan. mean the difference between a good job and a poor
He must maintain current records of his quality con- one. A good field inspection organization must be
trol operations. Reports of his operations must be sub- staffed and organized so that inspection personnel and
mitted at specified intervals and be in sufficient detail laboratory technicians are on the job when and where
to identify each specific test.
they are needed. Thus the organization must have
(3) The prime contractor is responsible for the knowledge of the construction at all times.