EI 02G001
01 July 1997
foundation system to be installed. The contractor shall have had previous experience on installing the piles
specified in the contract documents. This experience will be compatible with the soils that will be
encountered during installation of the piles.
2-4. CARE AND MAINTENANCE. Proper care and maintenance is required to avoid damage to the piles
before installation.
a. Timber Piles. Pointed tools should be avoided when handling timber.
(1) Treated piles should be handled to avoid puncturing or breaking through the outer portions of
the piles. The treatment may not extend deeper than about 1 inch into the pile. Treated piles should also
not be dragged along the ground surface.
(2) Timber piles must be stored on blocks above the ground surface if not installed within 1 week
of delivery to the construction site. An air space must be provided beneath the piles and the piles must not
lie in water. The blocks must be made of nondecaying materials. The timber must be kept free of debris
and decayed materials. The blocks must be spaced at intervals to provide adequate support and to prevent
permanent bends.
b. Concrete Piles. These piles should be supported at sufficiently frequent points in slings to avoid
overstressing from bending and cracking.
(1) Long unsupported lengths are prohibited. A three-point pickup may be required for piles longer
than 100 feet.
(2) Impacts along the pile length and dumping while unloading are prohibited. A lifting beam or
spreader slings are required if the piles are coated.
c. Steel Piles. A one-point pickup is usually adequate for steel pipe piles, but bending of the piles
must be avoided. Long H-piles must be lifted horizontally with webs vertical and with a sufficient number of
pickup points to avoid bending. Damage to coatings must be prevented while handling.
(1) Closed-end pipe piles should not be dragged along the ground surface with the open end first
to avoid accumulation of debris within the pile.
(2) Piles should be stored above the ground surface and above standing water. Chocks should be
used to prevent pipe pile stacks from spreading. H-piles should be nested with flanges vertical and stored
on adequate numbers of timber blocks to avoid bending.