EI 02C097
01 Jul 97
Figure 6-3. Example results of CAPWAPC analysis
a. Performance control. Continuous monitoring is essential to
various strata, location and nature of the bearing stratum, and
ensure that the boreholes are properly prepared to minimize loss of
any seepage. The observer should also determine if the soil
soil friction and end-bearing capacity and that the concrete mix is
profile is substantially different from the one assumed for the
placed to achieve a continuous adequate shaft. Complete details of
design based on knowledge of the plans, specifications, and
a drilled shaft construction control and an example of quality control
previous geotechnical analysis. The design engineer should
forms may be found in FHWA-HI-88-042, "Drilled Shafts:
be at the construction site during boring of the first holes to
Construction Procedures and Design Methods" and ADSC
verify assumptions regarding the subsurface soil profile and
(1989) report, "Drilled Shaft Inspector's Manual."
periodically thereafter to check on requirements for any
Construction and quality control include the following:
design modifications.
(1) Borehole excavation. Soil classification provided by
(a) Excavation details such as changes in the advance
all available boring logs in the construction area should be
rate of the boring tool and changes in the soil cutting,
correlated with the visual description of soil or rock removed
recorded. These details can be used to modify excavation
should also be recorded. Characteristics to be observed and
procedure and improve efficiency in the event of problems
determined include determined include location of the
as well as to provide a complete record for later reference.