TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
tion, manufacturers should provide written verifica-
stalled over the subsurface before installing the
tion that the installed safety surfacing meets this
modular substrate. The substrate may be secured
by an adhesive or by hardware in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendations. The wear
(2) Hard Spots. Be aware that the ASTM stan-
surface should be bonded to the substrate with ad-
dards do not require testing for potential hard
hesive. Cutouts should be filled with sealant to
spots, such as seams and hardware. Some manufac-
eliminate voids at equipment.
turers may perform additional tests for potential
(4) Additional Selection Considerations.
hard spots. Manufacturers should provide product
(a) Appearance. The synthetic surfacing
performance information for hard spots.
should look attractive and should complement the
(3) Flammability. Some synthetic safety sur-
appearance of playground equipment.
faces may be flammable. The surface's potential for
(b) Rubbery Odor. The material may have an
burning should be determined.
unattractive rubbery odor. It should be determined
(4) Heat Retention. Heat retention in darker
whether the odor is acceptable.
materials may be a safety concern in hot climates.
Light colored surfaces should be used in hot cli-
(d) Installation. The manufacturer should be
d. Accessibility. Synthetic surfacing is a fully ac-
contacted to determine the installation require-
cessible safety surface. It may be used to create
ments of the proposed surface. Temperature and
circulation areas or accessible paths of travel within
weather conditions may be important factors.
play equipment use zones.
(e) Drainage. Positive drainage should be
e. Maintenance. The maintenance level is low.
provided. Some surfaces allow water percolation.
f. Cost. Synthetic safety surfacing has the highest
The designer should determine drainage require-
initial cost of any safety surface, but the cost of
ments for the selected surface.
maintenance is low.
(f) Maintenance. Maintenance requirements
for the safety surface should be determined. Tech-
11-5. Organic Loose-Fill Surfacing.
niques used to repair the surface should be estab-
Organic loose-fill surfacing includes wood mulch,
lished. It should be determined whether play equip-
bark mulch, and manufactured wood chips. The
ment can be replaced or repaired without replacing
impact-attenuating ability of these materials de-
the entire surfacing.
pends on the air trapped within and between indi-
(g) Durability. The manufacturer's warranty
vidual particles. Compared to the performance of
and information about the expected durability of
other loose-fill materials, the impact-attenuating
the product should be obtained.
performance of wood products is less affected by hot,
(h) Pests. It should be determined whether
cold, and wet conditions. Although initially inexpen-
pests, such as moles, may be likely to increase
sive, the cost of maintenance is high. The material
maintenance needs and to affect the surface's life
is easy to obtain and install, less abrasive than sand
when tracked into buildings, and easier to police for
b. Recommended Ages. Synthetic safety surfacing
broken glass than sand. These materials are less
may be used by all age groups.
likely than sand to attract cats and dogs, but are
c. Safety Guidelines.
more likely to attract insects and snakes. Local
pests and their habitats should be considered prior
required to produce testing data verifying that the
to selecting this surfacing. Material specifications
product meets the requirements of ASTM F 1292
for wood products are provided in table 113.
from the height specified by the purchaser. In addi-
Table 11-3. Wood Product Material Specifications