TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
5-1. Introduction.
intersect the play village to provide access to the
design elements and to reinforce the village charac-
This chapter describes how to create a diverse
play area while meeting child safety and functional
(2) Performance Area. For school-age and older
requirements. This is accomplished by maintaining
children, dramatic play may include small perfor-
the appropriate functional relationships between
mance areas with ground-level platforms and seat-
play area components. Adjacency diagrams illus-
ing for viewers. The performance area should be
trating appropriate relationships for play lots,
positioned away from high activity areas.
neighborhood parks, and community parks are in-
d. Sand Play. Sand play should be located away
cluded. These diagrams should be used as the basis
from high activity areas, such as ball play areas. If a
for creating conceptual designs for the three age
play village is provided, sand play should be located
groups addressed in this manual.
near the village. If sand is used as a safety surface
in manufactured play equipment areas, separate
5-2. Play Area Component Relationships.
areas for sand play should be provided away from
play equipment.
The following guidelines for play area component
e. Gardens. Community gardens are small plots
relationships apply to all age groups and were used
of land used by children, families, or community
to develop the adjacency diagrams provided in this
groups for growing ornamental or edible plants. If a
play village is provided, the garden should be adja-
a. Entry Area. Clearly defined entrances should
cent to the play village to allow children to harvest
be provided to orient, inform, and introduce users to
plants for village use. Gardens should be separated
the site. Entries should be connected to pedestrian
from circulation pathways and should be sur-
and bike circulation paths, linking the play area to
rounded by fencing for plant protection.
housing, picnic facilities, and community facilities.
f. Gathering Places. Gathering places are com-
The entry should relate to parking areas when
fortable areas where children, youth, and adults can
parking is provided. Parking must be separated
sit and meet, or where infants may safely explore.
from other areas with a barrier. Bike parking
Gathering places should be located to protect users
should be provided at all entries.
from the sun and wind. In gathering places, seating
b. Sports and Games. Play areas may include
should be located to provide sight lines for play area
small-scale sports and games, such as small turf
supervision. If views throughout the play area are
areas and multi-use hard surface courts for ball
not possible, seating should be provided in more
play, running, and group games. Sports and games
than one location. Gathering places should be pro-
should be sited in relatively flat locations. These
vided adjacent to sports and games to support rest-
areas should be located to prevent out-of-bounds
ing and viewing.
balls from interfering with traffic and other play
g. Manufactured Play Equipment. Manufactured
activities. Ball walls can provide a vertical surface
play equipment should be located to ensure sight
to focus ball play in a desired direction and can act
lines needed for supervision are not blocked by the
as barriers to contain ball play activities. Gathering
equipment. Equipment should also be located to
areas should be provided adjacent to sports and
discourage circulation through the play equipment
games components to provide seating for resting
area when children move between play area compo-
and for watching other children.
nents. Swings should be located on the edge of the
c. Dramatic Play. Although dramatic play occurs
play area to prevent injuries that may occur when
throughout the play area, designers can deliber-
children cross the swing area to get to other play
ately create play area components that support role
play, such as a play village or performance area.
h. Plant Materials. Plant materials should be lo-
cated to provide climate modification, define bound-
(1) Play Village. For children ages 18 months
aries, serve as a visual screen, and support play
through 8 years, design elements, such as play
activity. Shade should be provided in all play areas.
houses and a water source, maybe grouped together
Particular attention should be given to providing
to create a play village. Sand play should be located
shade over seating areas in gathering places, over
adjacent to the village to provide manipulative ma-
metal play equipment in manufactured play equip-
terial to enhance dramatic play. Pathways should