TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
Figure 4-1 Play Area Components and Design Elements
Includes the following play events:
Includes the following play events:
. Slide
Figure 4-2. Composite~Structures, Freestanding Structures, and Play Events
and land forms are two ways that these experiences
factured play equipment cannserve as a hangout for
can be supported by the play area design.
socializing, a ship for dramatic play, or a tool for
developing motor skills. Play area components that
(4) Graduated Challenge. Varied levels of chal-
support a wide range of activities should be selected.
lenge should be provided in the play area. For ex-
ample, a range of upper body challenges may be
(2) Sensory Variety. A variety of sensory experi-
provided with manufactured play equipment by se-
ences enhances physical and cognitive development.
lecting play events that include turning bars, chin-
In addition to movement activities, varied sounds,
ning bars, horizontal ladders, and track rides. These
textures, colors, and light should be provided in the
require a varying level of skill. Providing children
play area by incorporating a variety of natural and
with choices creates opportunities for all children to
manmade materials in the design.
succeed. Varied levels of challenge also helps avoid
(3) Spatial Complexity. A variety of spatial ex-
loss of self-esteem that may occur when a child is
periences should be provided to assist children in
limited to an activity which is too challenging.
learning concepts such as up and down, over and
(5) Linkage and Flow. One challenge of physical
under, in and out, right and left, big and little, and
development involves children mastering the move-
deep and shallow. Manufactured play equipment