TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
(2) Service Vehicle and Emergency Access. Ac-
(4) Sanitary Sewer For community parks, ac-
cess for maintenance, emergency, and service ve-
cess to sanitary sewer lines is also needed for rest-
hicles will be provided to all play areas.
room facilities.
g. Drainage. Soil types and drainage will be con-
b. Former Land Use. Sites formerly used for land-
fills, industrial use, or military training will not be
sidered when selecting a play area location. Wet,
used for play areas.
boggy, slow-draining soil conditions affect the loca-
tion, construction, cost, and safety of play areas.
c. Adjacent Land Uses. When selecting sites for
children's outdoor play areas, adjacent land uses
(1) Positive Drainage. Sites with grades that
promote positive drainage should be selected. If ad-
will be considered.
ditional drainage is required, the construction costs
(1) Compatible Land Uses. Children's outdoor
should be evaluated before selecting the site.
play areas should be located near family housing,
schools, recreation centers, community gardens,
(2) Soil Types and Drainage. Soil type plays a
major role in site drainage. Loamy-sandy soil allows
chapels, outdoor recreation areas, or open space.
water to percolate through the soil and provides
(2) Incompatible Land Uses. Play areas will not
good drainage. For soil with high clay content, more
be located near airfields, railroads, maintenance
deliberate drainage solutions may be necessary.
facilities, industrial areas, storage and supply ar-
Table 22 illustrates the drainage properties of
eas, training and range areas, troop housing, or
various soil types.
administrative areas. Areas near sources of loud
(3) Storm Sewers. The adequacy of the system
noise, air pollution, or high traffic volume will be
and necessary improvements needed should be con-
sidered during site selection. Whenever possible,
d. Visibility. Sites that allow easy observation by
sites should be selected where storm drains may be
adults from adjacent housing, recreation areas,
located outside the play area. Drainage grates will
streets, or other use areas should be selected.
never be located in play equipment use zones unless
e. Topography. Whenever possible, sites with a
grates are covered with synthetic impact-attenua-
variety of topographic characteristics should be se-
ting surfacing.
lected. Natural topographic features such as
h. Microclimate. Microclimate conditions are
mounds and slopes increase the desirability of a site
weather patterns unique to a site. These conditions
for use as a play area. Ball fields and ball courts
are influenced by the site's topography, landscape,
require flat locations. Sites that require extensive
and orientation. The microclimate may increase or
site work to function as a play area should not be
decrease the site's attractiveness and suitability as
selected. Dangerous features, such as sudden drop-
a play area location. Wind, sun, heat, cold, and
offs, topography that creates blind spots, or slopes
dampness are climatic conditions that can affect a
that prohibit disabled access are cause for rejecting
site's suitability as a play area. For example, if a
a site as a potential play area location.
site has large shade trees, high rainfall, and fea-
f. Existing Utilities. Utilities should be analyzed
tures that block morning sun, the specific site may
to determine their location, availability, and capac-
ity to satisfy anticipated play area needs. Sites with
Table 22. Soil Types and Drainage Properties.
utilities that will support play area needs and will
not expose children to hazards should be selected.
Hazards include drop inlets and manhole covers.
(1) Water. When possible, play areas should be
located near existing potable water lines. It is rec-
ommended that play areas have access to water for
drinking, play activities, and maintenance. For
community parks, access to water lines is also
needed for restroom facilities.
be evaluated. If night use of play areas is antici-
pated, access to electrical lines should be consid-
ered. However, play areas will be located away from
netic field specialist should be consulted to deter-
mine siting requirements.
(3) Telephones. For community parks, sites
that allow telephone service for emergency commu-
LL - Liquid limit.
nication should be selected.