TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
Table 21. Criteria Guidelines for Unsupervised Play Areas.
X Suitable play area
2-3. Site Selection Guidance.
(1) Installation Trail System. A trail system
that is separated from traffic circulation and con-
In addition to space requirements and location,
several other characteristics should be evaluated
nects housing, community facilities, and play areas
when selecting sites for each type of children's play
is highly desirable. This circulation system should
area. A site visit is required to fully evaluate site
be addressed in the installation master plan. The
suitability, and should consider circulation and ac-
master plan should be evaluated to determine the
cess; former land use; adjacent land uses; visibility;
location of existing or proposed trails, and to deter-
topography; existing utilities; drainage; microcli-
mine the potential for locating play areas near these
mate; and existing vegetation.
a. Circulation and Access. Safe pedestrian, bi-
cycle, and vehicular access to the play area, and
access for people with disabilities will be considered
in selecting locations for children's outdoor play ar-
Figure 2-1. Neighborhood Parks and Play Lots
Figure 22. Community Park.