TM 5-803-12
1-1. Purpose.
ties. This guidance applies not only to new out-
door recreation areas, but also to renovation
The purpose of the manual is to provide guid-
and expansion of existing sites.
ance for Morale Welfare and Recreation Man-
agers, outdoor recreation directors, facilities
1-3. Objectives.
engineers and designers in planning for outdoor
recreation on military installations and in pre-
The Installation Outdoor Recreation Plan serves
paring the Installation Outdoor Recreation Plan.
a number of objectives including:
The Installation Outdoor Recreation Plan doc-
-Assuring that planning for outdoor recrea-
uments existing outdoor recreation on an in-
tion is included as part of the Installation Mas-
stallation, describes proposed outdoor recreation
ter Plan.
development, and helps to assure that adequate
-Improving the quality and quantity of leisure
consideration is given to outdoor recreation
experiences for the soldier, his/her family and
during the preparation of the Installation Mas-
where possible, members of the DOD work force
ter Plan.
and the public.
-Providing an optimum variety, mix and lo-
1-2. Scope.
cation of outdoor recreation opportunities.
-Preserving and developing outdoor recrea-
The manual discusses the process for preparing
tion resources to serve their highest and best
an Installation Outdoor Recreation Plan from
the evaluation of existing conditions; to the
identification of potential recreation areas; to
proposed outdoor recreation.
the determination of outdoor recreation needs;
Relating outdoor recreation plans to other
to the selection of appropriate outdoor recrea-
installation plans.
tion activities; to implementation through the
-Promoting, at all levels of the installation
development of a plan for physical improve-
organization, understanding and support for
ments. Included in the manual are general con-
more effective outdoor recreation planning.
siderations for facilities design as well as design
criteria for specific outdoor recreation activi-