TI 804-11
30 November 1998
f. Grading and Drainage. Design access drives with gradients that conform to the natural
topography using commonly accepted minimum and maximum gradients. Grades and slope
directions are determined utilizing the drainage requirements established in the surface water
management plan prepared for the project site. TM 5-822-2 provides additional information on
the grading of entrance and exit drives.
g. Pavement. TM 5-822-5 provides guidance for the design and engineering of roadway
h. Traffic Controls. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and
Highways (ANSI D 6.1e) provide information on devices to control and direct traffic.
i. Lighting. TM 5-811-1 provides guidance on roadway lighting.
2-4. PARKING AREAS. POV parking includes on-street parking, off-street parking lots, and
parking structures.
a. On-street Parking. On-street parking will be limited to parallel parking spaces that
include sufficient length and width to allow safe movement into and out of the space and to
adequately separate the parked vehicle from the traffic lanes. Parking shall meet ADA
b. Off-street Parking Lots. Off-street parking lots are the principal means of parking on
(1) Layout. A 90-degree parking layout is preferable. Where a fast rate of turnover is
expected or where required by site limitations, a 45-degree or 60-degree angle layout may be
used. Figure 2-4 illustrates standard designs for 45-degree, 60-degree, and 90-degree parking
lots. Design the parking layout to:
(a) Provide parking (car: 4m x 5.5m (13 ft x 18 ft), van: 4.9m x 5.5m (16 ft x 18 ft))
for accessibility as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, including such features as
curb cuts and access aisles for barrier-free access to sidewalks. If state requirements are more
stringent, they shall be used.
(b) Maintain two-way movement.
(c) Avoid dead end parking lots.
(d) Provide more than one entrance and exit for parking lots with more than 100
parking spaces.
(e) Provide traffic breaks in aisles longer than 107m (350 ft).
(f) Use compact parking spaces (2.4m X 4.9m (8 ft X 16 ft)) only if recommended by
a traffic impact study.
(g) Provide curbs or a painted lines at the ends of stalls to control placement of
(h) Provide adequate walkway width to allow comfortable pedestrian movement in
areas of bumper overhang.
(i) Provide curb cuts for barrier-free access to sidewalks.