TI 804-11
30 November 1998
1-1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. This document provides guidance for designing parking areas
and other facilities required for on-site vehicular circulation and stationing. These instructions
define the non-organizational or privately owned vehicle passenger car and light truck design
vehicles and set guidelines for determining the size and layout to include grading, drainage and
1-2. APPLICABILITY. These instructions are applicable to all USACE elements involved with
onsite vehicular circulation and the preparation of design drawings and specifications for parking
and circulation facilities.
1-3. REFERENCES. Appendix A contains a list of references used in these instructions.
1-4. DESIGN TEAM. The design of on-site circulation and parking is the responsibility of an
interdisciplinary team of design professionals (ER 1110-1-8152). This multi-professional
approach to the planning process helps assure that all aspects of the man-made and natural
characteristics of the area being planned are properly and thoroughly considered. Plans are
prepared that provide a comprehensive solution to the program requirements addressing
environmental assessment of actions, design quality and economic efficiency. Identify the
interdisciplinary team at the beginning of the planning process so that its expertise can be
applied from the outset. The team members and the team leader will be determined by the
functional requirements of the project. There are typically four major components of a planning
and design team: landscape architecture, land planning, civil engineering, and architecture. The
landscape architect may take the lead role because of the expertise required in design and
analysis for circulation and parking. Other professionals such as traffic and civil engineers,
geologists, and historic preservationists may be included in the design process as warranted by
specific conditions.