TI 804-01
1 July 1998
(a) The user's specific needs will be determined for the following:
1/ Functional requirements
2/ Creation of organizational efficiency and safety
3/ Relationship to adjacent functions
4/ Contribution to the quality of life of the occupants
(b) The project goals and objectives become guidelines for the planning
process. Goals are general, while objectives define specific actions to achieve the goals. The
following goals and objectives are representative of what might be developed for an
Installation Community Center ADP. They are based upon the installation goals as stated in
the Real Property Master Plan:
1/ Goal: Plan an Installation Community Center that maximizes functional
relationships between uses and the interior and exterior spaces.
a/ Objective 1: Locate buildings and parking to provide for ease of access
and minimal walking distances.
b/ Objective 2: Provide for centrally located exterior space, away from
traffic, that will serve as a meeting area for informal gatherings and lunch-time activity.
c/ Objective 3: Provide for pedestrian access, protected from the weather,
that links the various buildings, exterior spaces and parking.
2/ Goal: Provide for direct, safe and easy vehicular and pedestrian access
to the Installation Community Center.
a/ Objective 1: Provide most direct access from the Main Gate and from all
parts of the installation via collector streets.
b/ Objective 2: Minimize conflicts of vehicular traffic and pedestrian access
in parking lots.
c/ Objective 3: Provide for separation of customer traffic and delivery
(2) Facility and Land Area Requirements. Once the goals and objectives have been
adopted, the development requirements and the spatial needs of these requirements can be
identified. Accurate project requirements are fundamental to organizing and locating project
elements on site. Failure to anticipate true programmatic and spatial needs can create
incompatible land use and inefficient spatial arrangements, especially on small or confined
sites. The land area or spatial requirements are determined by the size of the various facilities
and other activities to be included within the area to serve the facilities such as driveways,
walkways, parking and open space. Functional requirements are based upon the number of