TI 804-01
1 July 1998
1-1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. These Technical Instructions (TI) describe the Area
Development Planning (ADP) and Site Planning processes to be used in preparing plans for
construction drawings. The instructions are intended to be used by those individuals given the
responsibility for site planning which includes site selection, site development, and site design.
The planning procedures that occur in developing a project are described in these instructions.
The procedures described are sound and provide a logical process to the end result.
a. Area Development Plan. The ADP is described as providing facility planning at the
small area or sub-area level which falls between master planning for an entire installation
(RPMP) and site planning for individual buildings (see figure 1-1). The ADP process includes
the phases--Identification, Evaluation and Implementation. Identification includes defining the
goals and objectives, verifying the program requirements, developing functional relationships,
defining spatial relationships, providing an inventory of the area and accomplishing a site visit.
Evaluation includes the development of a site analysis that graphically shows the
developmental opportunities and constraints for the area. Alternative conceptual plans are
developed for evaluation and a determination of a final area development plan is
accomplished. Implementation includes the procedures of the Army military construction
program for development and execution.
b. Site Plan. Site planning is described as further defining the functional layout for
specific buildings or functions and their site. It also includes the phases--Identification,
Evaluation, and Implementation. Identification includes defining site specific goals and
objectives, verifying the program requirements, developing functional relationships, defining
spatial relationships, providing an inventory of the area and accomplishing a site visit.
Evaluation includes the development of a site analysis that graphically shows the
developmental opportunities and constraints for the site. Alternative conceptual plans are
developed for evaluation and a determination of a final site plan is accomplished. The resulting
site plan provides the basis for the preparation of construction drawings. Implementation
includes the procedures of the Army military construction program for development and
execution. The design criteria discusses building design, location and orientation, vehicular
circulation and parking, pedestrian circulation, surface water management, utility systems
design, lighting design, landscape design, and physical security.
1-2. APPLICABILITY. These instructions are applicable to all USACE elements involved in
preparing plans for areas, sites, and facilities for Army and civilian installations.
1-3. REFERENCES. References used in these instructions are identified in appendix A.
1-4. DESIGN TEAM. The ADP and site planning processes should be the responsibility of an
interdisciplinary team of design professionals (see ER 1110-1-8152, Professional
Registration). This multi-professional approach to the planning process helps assure that all
aspects of the man-made and natural characteristics of the area being planned are properly
and thoroughly considered (see ER 1110-1-12, Engineering and Design Quality Management).
Plans are prepared to provide a comprehensive solution to the program requirements
addressing environmental assessment of actions, design quality, and economic efficiency.