TM 5-805-12
1. Purpose.
This technical manual is a guide for designing, constructing, and certifying dental, diagnostic, and therapeutic radiation
exposure rooms using equipment having energies up to 10 million electron volts (MeV).
2. Scope.
This manual provides guidance to personnel involved in planning, designing, procuring, constructing, and certifying Army
radiation exposure rooms.
3. References.
The following documents form a part of this manual to the extent referenced:
a. Army Technical Bulletin (TB): TB MED 521-Occupational and Environmental Health Management and
Control of Diagnostic X-Ray, Therapeutic X-Ray, and Gamma-Beam Equipment.
b. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP); 7910 Woodmont Ave., Landow Bldg,
Suite 1016, Bethesda, MD 20014.
Report 33-Medical X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Protection for Energies up to 10 MeV (Equipment Design and Use).
(Feb 68)
Report 35-Dental X-Ray Protection. (Mar 70) Report 49-Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Medical
Use of X-Rays and Gamma-Rays of Energies up to 10 MeV. (Sep 76)
Report 51-Radiation Protection Design Guidelines for 0.1-100 MeV Particle Accelerator Facilities. (1977)
The glossary contains a list of specialized words with definitions.
General recommendations.
a. Qualification of expert. In accordance with TB MED 521, the design or modification of diagnostic x-ray,
therapeutic x-ray, or gamma-beam therapy facilities shall be undertaken only by experts certified in radiological physics or
therapeutic radio-logical physics by the American Board of Radiology or the American Board of Health Physics or those
having equivalent qualifications. Design contracts should require submittal of such certification along with experience
b. Design drawings. Design drawings will be reviewed and signed by the expert before submittal to the Contracting
Officer for review. Drawings will be reviewed for compliance with proper design and shielding requirements set forth in TB
MED 521 and NCRP Report 49. All designs will be evaluated by the Office of the Surgeon General (SG-FP-ZA), US Army
Health Facility Planning Agency, Washington, D.C. 20310 and the Health Physics Division, US Army Environmental
Hygiene Agency (USAEHA), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010.
c. Supplied data. The following data should be made available to support the technical review.
(1) Architectural information.
(a) Drawings of radiation rooms and adjacent areas; scale preferred is 1/4 inch = 1 foot, or larger.
(b) Information about occupancy below, above, and adjacent to radiation rooms.
(c) Type of proposed or existing construction of floors, ceilings, and walls.
(d) Vertical sections and plot plans for megavoltage therapy installations, including cobalt.
(2) Equipment less the 150 kilovolts.
(a) Purpose of equipment will be stated as therapy, radiography, fluoroscopy, special procedures, or
(b) Kilovolts and expected weekly workload, if known.
(3) Equipment 150 kilovolts and greater, including gamma apparatus.
(a) Kilovolts or type of gamma source.
(b) Milliamperes or roentgens per minute at 1 meter.
(c) Weekly workload, if known, expressed in Milliamperes or roentgens at 1 meter.
(d) Restrictions in beam orientations without and with beam interceptor, if any.
(e) Use factor for walls and ceilings, if known.
(f) Leakage radiation of source housing with beam "ON."
(h) Possible future increases in workload and radiation energy, and modification in beam orientation.
(i) Manufacturer's electrical requirements for high voltage generators.
d. Typical designs. Typical designs are shown in TB MED 521 and NCRP Reports 49 and 51.