TM 5-852-2/AFR 88-19, Vol. 2
1-1. Purpose.
1-5. Personnel.
This manual describes the procedure for selecting
Personnel used in site selection and development
sites for military facilities in arctic and subarctic
should be cognizant of engineering problems pecu-
liar to arctic and subarctic regions and be familiar
with airphoto interpretation. To ensure that the best
1-2. Scope.
possible site is selected and that the greatest amount
of accurate and detailed information is obtained, the
The procedure is applicable to both Army and Air
combined effort of a number of specialists is
Force facilities.
essential. Interpretation of aerial imagery and
photography requires trained, experienced
1-3. References.
interpreters. These specialists should be allowed to
Appendix A contains a list of references used in this
participate in the field verification program to
enhance their understanding of the terrain patterns
that they mapped on the air-photos. For an
1-4. Introduction.
important installation, personnel should include the
The importance of the proper selection of a con-
airphoto analyst who has worked on the project, a
struction site in arctic and subarctic regions cannot
coordinator who is a civil engineer familiar with the
be over-emphasized. The type of data to be
immediate and ultimate uses of the installation, a
collected for the selection of a site is essentially the
geotechnical engineer, a civil engineer (hydologist),
same as that used for engineering design in
a geologist, and an ecologist. For ground and
temperate regions, but more detailed information is
subsurface surveys and for collection of data for
essential. It is not feasible to prescribe the detailed
design purposes, the following should be available,
information required for a given site selection
in addition to those listed above: a survey crew and
problem as each project requires judgment in the
party chief, a drill crew and foreman, and a local
development of an adequate program of
guide. Frequently, crews will be required to go into
investigation and analysis; therefore, only the basic
the field with preliminary soils maps and airphotos
principles and considerations are included here. In
as the only means of orientation. In undeveloped
addition, operational requirements of the future
regions where readily identified cultural objects,
using agency, or other similar considerations beyond
such as roads, structures, and cleared areas are
the scope of this manual, may impose unusual and
absent; field crews should be able to identify
unforeseeable requirements. Observations made in
landforms on the ground and on airphotos to aid in
arctic and subarctic regions of North America form
their interpretation.
the basis for this manual, and while local details may
vary considerably, the basic concepts presented are
generally applicable.