UFC 3-120-01
Figure 7.10. Sign Elevation Type F2a.
7.10. Standard Changeable Letter Sign Type F2b.
7.10.1. Usage. The Standard Changeable Letter Sign, Type F2b, complements the standard
morale signs shown in Figures 7.8, 7.9 and 7.10. It may be used alone or in combination with
these signs.
7.10.2. Tiles. The sign message is made up of changeable letter tiles with magnetic backing
which are placed on the steel sign panel. Multiple alphabets, including punctuation marks,
should be prepared on tiles. Rules, which help to structure the message, can also be mounted on
changeable tiles.
7.10.3. Colors. White letters on standard color background.
7.10.4. Dimensions. 900 mm x 1 050 mm (3'- 0" x 3'- 6").
7.10.5. Typography.
Changeable Message: upper case Helvetica medium, 3" (75 mm) capital letter height,
The message area will accommodate four lines with a maximum of 12 tiles per line.
7.10.6. Rules. 3 mm (1/8") thick white tape.