UFC 3-110-03
26 September 2006
Loose-laid Membrane. A unadhered roofing membrane anchored to the substrate only
at the edges and penetrations through the roof and ballasted against wind uplift by
loose aggregate or pavers.
Mastic. Caulking or sealant normally used in sealing roof panel laps.
Membrane. A flexible or semi-flexible roof covering or waterproofing whose primary
function is the exclusion of water.
Metal flashing. See Flashing--frequently used as through-wall, cap, or
Mineral fiber. Inorganic fibers of glass, asbestos or mineral wool (slag).
Mineral granules. Natural or synthetic aggregate, ranging in size from 500m (1m =
10-6m) to 1/4 in. diameter, used to surface BUR or modified bitumen cap sheets,
asphalt shingles, and some cold process membranes.
Model Codes. Codes established to provide uniformity in regulations pertaining to
building construction. Examples: Uniform Building Code published by lCBO, National
Building Code by BOCA, Standard Building Code by SBCCI, International Building
Code (New), which will eventually replace the other three code bodies.
Moisture conduction. Migration by wicking as contrasted to vapor movement.
Monomer. A simple molecule which is capable of combining with a number of like or
unlike molecules to form a polymer.
Mopping. Application of hot bitumen with a mop or mechanical applicator to the
substrate or to the plies of a built-up or modified-bitumen roof. There are four types of
mopping: (1) solid--a continuous coating; (2) spot--bitumen is applied in roughly
circular areas, generally about 460 mm (18 in.) in diameter, leaving a grid of unmopped,
perpendicular area, (3) strip-- bitumen is applied in parallel bands, generally 200 mm (8
in.) wide and 300 mm (12 in) apart; (4) sprinkle--bitumen is shaken on the substrate
from a broom or mop in a random pattern.
Nailer. Wood member bolted or otherwise anchored to a nonnailable deck or wall to
provide nailing anchorage of membrane or flashing.
Nailing. (1) Exposed nailing of roofing wherein nail heads are bare to the weather; (2)
Concealed nailing of roofing wherein nail heads are concealed from the weather (see
also Blind nailing).
Neoprene. Synthetic rubber (polychloroprene) used in liquid or sheet-applied
elastomeric roofing membranes or flashing.
materials without damaging the object under test.