UFC 3-110-03
26 September 2006
Coal Tar. A dark brown to black cementitious material produced by the destructive
distillation of coal.
Coal Tar Felt. A felt saturated with refined coal tar.
Coating Weight. Weight of coating on surface (both sides), usually expressed in g/m2
or oz./ft.2.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. The change in length per unit of length for a unit
change in temperature. (Thus the coefficient per oF must be multiplied by 1.8 for the
coefficient per oC.)
Condensation. The
conversion of
water vapor or
other gas to
liquid as
the temperature
drops or atmospheric pressure rises (see also Dew point).
Conductance, Thermal. The
thermal transmission in
unit time through unit area of a
particular body or assembly having defined surfaces, when unit average temperature
difference is established between the surfaces. C=(W/ m2K) C=(Btu/hft20F).
Conductivity, Thermal. The
time rate of
transfer of
heat by
conduction through a
thickness across unit area for unit difference of temperature.
Copolymer. A mixed polymer, the product of polymerization of two or more substances
at the same time.
Counterflashing. Formed metal or elastomeric sheeting secured on or into a wall,
curb, pipe, rooftop unit, or other surface, to shield the upper edge of a base flashing and
its associated fasteners.
Coverage. The surface area to be continuously covered by a specific quantity of a
particular material.
Covering. The exterior roof and wall covering for a metal building system.
Cricket. A relatively small, elevated area of a roof constructed to divert water from a
horizontal intersection of the roof with a chimney, wall, expansion joint or other
Curb. A raised member used to support roof penetrations such as skylights, hatches,
Cure. To change the properties of a polymeric system into a more stable, usable
condition by the use of heat, radiation, or reaction with chemical additives. NOTE: Cure
may be accomplished, for example, by removal of solvent or cross-linking.
Deck. The structural substrate to which the roofing or waterproofing system (including
insulation) is applied.