Identification of projected changes in activity or mission
- Ability of existing installation facilities to be expanded
at the installation or future needs which could affect the
or reused.
at the installation or future needs which could affect the
- Opportunities for conservation of renewable resources.
use or condition of facilities.
- Environmental safety of military personnel. dependents.
- Determination of constraints that will affect existing
and employees.
conditions or future needs.
- Degree of harmony between natural and man-made
- Development of a composite of the relationship
between existing and projected conditions and other
- Compatibility between the installation and the sur-
installation elements and systems (such as transportation)
rounding community.
to determine possible impacts.
- Significant natural features which should be preserved.
- Identification of potential alternatives to resolve
- On-post areas particularly well suited for development
or redevelopment.
problems or meet installation needs.
c. Data analysis covers a broad range of on-and off-
- Capacity of installation facilities to adequately support
the existing and projected mission.
post conditions. General criteria which provide overall
standards for information evaluation at the installation
d The principal findings from the analysis of existing
conditions will also be documented to become part of the
-- Operational efficiency, particularly time-distance
Master Plan Report Significant factors affecting future
development should be clearly presented. These factors will
relationships between various functions.
affect the remainder of the planning process.
- Ability of the existing development pattern to adapt to
2-4. Data Sources
governmental agencies in foreign countries. Initial contact
with such data sources as regional and municipal planning
Off-post data collection and analysis are needed to identify
agencies usually provides the identity of other likely
regional and vicinity conditions which affect the installation.
sources. Some basic sources of off-post data are listed in
Off-post data sources will vary, depending upon the
table 2-1. The remainder of this section describes the
installation. Off-post data sources will vary, depending
types of off-post data to be evaluated.
upon the installation's location and the organization of
state and local government agencies, or corresponding
a. Region. The outstanding characteristics of the
region should be shown on an exhibit titled "Regional
The installation's physical relationship to regional and
Setting"'. This exhibit is to be included in the Master Plan
local Jurisdictions may affect the potential for change and
Report Figure 2-1 gives and example of a Regional
growth at the installation. This relationship should be
Setting exhibit This exhibit should illustrate an area of
examined in terms of regional conditions and trends and
100 square miles surrounding the installation and should
also in terms of more specific local factors in the immediate
include the following information: general location of the
vicinity of the installation.