installation while still retaining the essential functional
b. As figure 1-2 illustrates. the process begins with
and spatial relationships of the Concept Plan. Potential
data collection and analysis. Data are collected and
studied to determine existing operational and physical
impacts resulting from future installation development are
conditions and to identify on-and off-post planning limi-
identified in the environmental assessment section of the
tations. These data are then evaluated to determine their
Master Plan Report. Chapter 5 describes how this asess-
potential influence on the installation-s future development
ment section of the Master Plan Report. Chapter 5
Chapter 2 describes what data are needed and how they
describes how this assessment is based on planning
are analyzed. Following data collection and analysis. a
proposals on an installation-wide basis. rather than on
Concept Plan is developed as described in chapter 3. The
individual. site-specific projects.
Concept Plan provides a theoretical framework toward
c. Chapters 6 and 7 provide guidance for the preparation
which installation planning efforts should be directed. The
of the Future Development Site Map and the Project
Concept Plan is then further refined to create the long-
Phasing Map. respectively. As figure 1-2 indicates. the
range plan for overall installation development. The long-
Future Development Site Map and the Project Phasing
range plan includes as a minimum Land Use. Circulation.
Map are not included in the Master Plan Report itself.
and Utility Service Plans. Chapter 4 describes how these
However. these two elements are necessary steps to
plans are developed to address specific areas on the
bridge the gap between the plan documented in the Master
Plan Report and individual site development plans.