UFC 1-900-01
constraints; quality or expected results; safety; risk tolerance; and ease of
implementation and opportunity. Other factors that affect the feasibility include such
project conditions as: scope or magnitude of the demolition requirement; type of
construction and materials involved; condition of materials that can potentially be
salvaged; presence of hazardous materials; wage structures; time constraints; landfill
burden; environmental conditions; and availability of market outlets.
2-4.1 How to Use Tables. Tables 2-1 and 2-2 list these project objectives and project
conditions along with the alternative methods of building removal. Each intersection in
the table indicates which paragraph number to reference for the corresponding
information. In an electronic version of this matrix, each intersection contains a
hyperlink that references information for the corresponding cell. For example, to use
this matrix, select the cell at the intersection of DEMOLITION and COST. A hyperlink
takes you to paragraph 2-1.1. The costs relative to a standard demolition contract are
presented here along with any cost advantages or disadvantages to the owner. This
information may then be used for comparison with each alternative method by selecting
the hyperlinks in the table or by referencing the paragraph number. For example,
selecting the intersection of DECONSTRUCTION and COST hyperlinks to paragraph 2-
1.4, which states that the method of deconstruction, as compared to traditional
demolition, has high initial costs with the potential to offset costs and even generate
income. Each installation or facility will need to determine, based on individual
circumstances, which of these alternatives, or combination thereof, may be acceptable.
This matrix is a tool that can be used for this evaluation. The problem of what to do
with the waste generated through demolition activities will not simply "go away."
Building waste as a result of demolition activities will increasingly tax the capacity of the
nation's overflowing landfills. This matrix will provide direction and assistance in the
recovery and recycling of building demolition waste to reduce landfill volume and
conserve resources.