UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Change 1, 22 February 2006
Change 2, 4 December 2006
Develop Performance Technical Specification (PTS) sections in accordance with
requirements of Chapter 3.
UFGS Selection Order of Precedence.
Unless specified otherwise in the contract, the order of precedence for selecting which
master guide specification to start from, for CONUS jobs that require the use of the
UFGS, shall be as follows:
1. Regional Guide Specifications (for the project location and where sections are
2. UFGS, Navy only (UFGS with a "20" at the fifth level in MasterFormat 04).
3. UFGS (unified, no designator following section number or at the fifth level).
4. Other DoD UFGS (tailor for Navy job)
5. Other Guide Specifications.
Grammar, Style and Language.
Follow the requirements of UFC 1-300-02, Unified Facilities Guide Specifications
(UFGS) Format Standard and paragraph 4-4.
Project Specifications.
For Design-Bid-Build projects, prepare the project specification section by using the
appropriate UFGS available from the Whole Building Design Guide website,
http://dod.wbdg.org/, which is current at the beginning of the pre-final design. Modify
the guide specification to fit the project. Delete portions of the guide specification that
cover work not included in the project. When portions of the work involved are not
covered in a guide specification, add requirements to the project specification, as
necessary, using language and format similar to that employed in the guide
specification. Use guide specifications only as source documents and do not reference
them in project specifications. Do not combine work covered by various UFGS into one
section unless the work is of a minor nature.
Standard Plates, Sketches, and Details.
For Design-Bid-Build projects, plates, sketches, boring logs, and details shall be
provided on the drawings and not in the specifications.
Proprietary Specifications.
For DBB Projects and for RFP Development, do not use proprietary or restrictive
requirements unless it is conclusively established that no substitute will serve the