TI 800-03
1 July 1998
requirements, define design submittal requirements, and ensure a level of quality. These
lessons learned should be reviewed and incorporated as appropriate in each new project.
a. Prior to preparation of the RFP, the Government should validate project power
requirements and power source requirements. Also address power reliability, available
unobligated capacity of base substation, and status of distribution lines to site. Ensure that the
customer will commit the electrical capacity to the project. The point of connection to existing
power should be specified in the RFP.
b. Prior to preparation of the RFP, the Government should determine all
electrical/electronic systems that are required for the project. Provide performance
requirements for those systems required. A list of some of the possible electrical/electronic
components and/or systems that may be required on a given project are as follows:
Telecommunication/Data Systems
Cathodic Protection
Special Grounding Systems
Public Address Systems
Security Systems
Special Power Systems (i.e., 400 Hz etc.)
Power Conditioning Systems including UPS Systems
Explosion-proof fixtures
c. Provide a lightning protection system, in accordance with NFPA-780, if the risk
analysis indicates that it is necessary.
d. Prior to the RFP technical specifications preparation, the Government should
determine if the exterior power to the facility is to be overhead or underground. Whenever
possible unless other factors direct otherwise, electrical service to the building should be
e. Lighting design shall incorporate the latest techniques of energy savings applied to
lighting systems.
f. Describe electrical metering equipment to be provided. If the facility has an UMCS or
EMCS System, address method to provide signals to master station.
g. K-rated transformers shall be supplied to serve nonlinear loads. Ratings will be
based upon type of load served. Generators serving nonlinear loads shall be derated in
accordance with the ETL to prevent overheating. Panel boards and load centers serving
nonlinear loads shall have double-rated neutral buses. Motors connected to the same power
source as nonlinear loads shall also be upgraded in size similarly. True RMS sensing meters,
relays, and circuit breaker trip elements shall be used with nonlinear loads. Lighting intensities
shall conform to those recommended in the Corps of Engineers AEI Design Criteria.