TI 800-03
1 July 1998
4-1. MANDATORY DESIGN CRITERIA AND STANDARDS. Although not all-inclusive, this
paragraph contains Federal requirements that are established by executive orders, public laws,
local requirements, and other directives. These requirements and all other Federal
requirements must be reviewed and included, as applicable, in the RFP for each new project.
a. Safe Drinking Water Act, Public Law 95-190 as amended. Among other items, this
Act requires Federal agencies who own or operate drinking water distribution systems to
ensure that the water meets primary drinking water standards, and where required, that such
systems are registered, licensed, or permitted. This Act also requires that special attention be
paid to the protection of designated sole source aquifers during construction and operation of
Department of Defense (DOD) facilities.
b. Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties. Policies are issued by the following
(1) Public Law 89-665, National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, October 15, 1966,
as amended by Public Law 95-515, December 12, 1980.
(2) Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, Public Law 96-95, 93 STAT-
(3) AR 420-40, Historic Preservation, 15 May 1984.
(4) TM 5-801-1, Historic Preservation, Administrative Procedures, November 1995.
(5) TM 5-801-2, Historic Preservation Maintenance Procedures, February 1977.
(6) Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines. For construction on military
installation, plans must be coordinated with the local Environmental Coordinator or
Environmental Manager.
c. Wastewater Collection and Conveyance System. The wastewater collection and
conveyance system shall be designed in accordance with the Water Environment Federation
Manual of Practice No. FD-4, Design of Wastewater and Stormwater Pumping Stations, and
No. FD-5, Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and Construction, except asbestos and asbestos
cement products shall not be allowed. In addition, the designer shall comply with regulations
and specific requirements of the installation.
d. Federal Standard 595, Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.
e. Water Supply/Distribution Systems. The water system shall be designed in
accordance with TM 5-813-5, Water Supply, Water Distribution Systems; American Water
Works Association (AWWA) Standards; and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)