TI 800-03
1 July 1998
the RFP, or specified in the accepted Design-Build contractor's proposal, the contractor will not
be obligated to provide any of those preferences.
f. Evaluation teams should be instructed in evaluation processes and procedures. The
procedures should be contained in a booklet or manual and given to the team. The instruction
is normally provided by an advisor who is either a professional advisor or a contract specialist
at a pre-evaluation meeting. Non-government personnel cannot be included on the evaluation
g. Partnering sessions are recommended between customers and the Corps of
Engineers. The partnering relationship should help develop an understanding of the minimum
quality standards required to create the project scope and to formally agree on all essential
and mandatory design requirements prior to RFP preparation.
h. Partnering sessions are also recommended between the D-B contractor and the
Government. This partnering relationship should help to develop and formally document a
joint commitment between the Government and the D-B contractor in achieving specific goals
and providing a quality end-product.
i. The D-B contractor should not begin construction work until the Government has
reviewed the contractor's final design and has cleared it for construction. However, full final
design for the entire project is normally not required before the D-B contractor may begin work.
If fast-tracking is allowed in the project, the contractor may submit final designs for specific
portions of work. Work may start on those specific portions after Government review and
clearance for construction to begin. Clearance for construction does not normally mean
Government approval. The risk for the design is assumed by the D-B contractor. However,
there may be certain elements of design that the Government will want to share in the risk of
design and require the D-B contractor to submit those elements for review and approval by
the Government. Critical elements should be identified in the RFP technical specifications as
requiring review and approval by the Government before clearance for construction will be
given by the Government.
j. The RFP should state that no payment for materials incorporated into the work will be
made if the required designer of record or required Government approvals have not been