TI 800-03
1 July 1998
construction activities, this is called the "fast-track" approach. The fast-track approach is
commonly used to combine design and construction time, which results in the project being
completed in a shorter time period. Fast-track approach allows the D-B contractor to design
portions of the work, start construction on those designs completed, and continue work while
reviewing and designing other portions of the work. The phasing of these portions of work
should be defined in the RFP to the extent of importance to the Government.
c. In the Design-Build process, final design solutions are provided by the D-B contractor,
not the Government. The D-B contractor is responsible for his or her own design, construction
quality, and for full compliance with the RFP and his or her accepted proposal. Unlike
conventional design-bid-build, the goal of the RFP is to ensure that the adequacy and quality
of desired construction are built into the criteria and documented during the evaluation
process. The Design Criteria Professional Team must provide enough criteria in the RFP's
technical specifications to ensure that the accepted proposal will result in a contractor-
prepared design which meets the project requirements, and a completed project that meets the
original quality and design intent of the RFP.
d. After award of the contract, the Corps of Engineers will review the D-B contractor's
design (plans, specifications, shop drawings, and equipment cut sheets) for compliance with
the RFP as contained in the offeror's the accepted proposal.
a. Management Team is a Corps of Engineers' corporate team established to guide the
D-B project from the design directive through construction completion. The team consists of
members from the customer, project management, engineering, construction, contracting,
counsel, real estate, and others as required by the nature of the project. They examine key
features and requirements peculiar to the project, select an acquisition strategy, and initiate
the management plan for the project.
b. Design Criteria Professionals are senior level Corps of Engineers' in-house design
professionals from architecture and engineering, or senior level architect and engineer design
professionals from an outside architect-engineering firm, or other appropriate experts who
prepare the technical requirements of the RFP. At least one representative from each major
discipline will be included on the Management Team.
c. Customers are individuals or organizations that use the services provided by the
Corps of Engineers. Possible customers are the users (tenants) of the facility, owner,
Directorate of Public Works, base civil engineer, and major commands.
d. A Request for Proposal is the procurement document normally used to procure D-B
projects. An RFP for a Design-Build contract should state project requirements, criteria, and
evaluation factors. It provides the information as well as framework necessary for offerors to
submit proposals.
e. Corporate Approach involves all key organizational elements of the Corps of
Engineers (program management, engineering, construction, contracting, counsel, real estate,
customer, and others as appropriate) at all times throughout the project.