AEI for Installation Support
Thursday, 17 October 1996
AEI has been included in these instructions.
(2) SDM has been used successfully for maintenance, repair, and minor construction
projects. SDM is a streamlined approach to planning, development of construction specifications
for various projects including, but not limited to, maintenance and repair projects. The strength of
SDM compared to conventional methods is that SDM simplifies design analysis, design
documentation (including drawings and specifications), and contract methods. (See Part V,
Enclosure 2 for an example.)
(3) Not all maintenance and repair projects, or minor construction projects, are simple and
therefore are not always suitable for SDM. Complex and large-scale facilities, such as a large
aircraft hangar requiring extensive repair of the structure, HVAC, electrical, and fire protection,
may not be suitable for SDM.
(4) SDM is not based on a unit price schedule but on the project cost estimate. For
example, conventional Requirements Contracts (RC) are sometimes used to retrofit repetitive
type work where the design "dove-tail" with the conditions. For unique projects, SDM should be
used to provide contract requirements with supporting design and installation details. SDM is a
different way to prepare the plans and specifications. Implementing SDM does not change the
preparation of the cost estimate. Cost estimates for SDM should reflect the simplicity of design.
Estimates should be developed individually and be based mostly on quotes from local
manufacturers and the experience developed by the design agency cost engineers. [Note: Cost
estimating is covered in PART I, Paragraph 16 above.]
(5) SDM addresses primarily simplification of the designs process. Recent workshops and
experience emphasizes the need to simplify the "cradle to grave process" or tentatively called
"Simplified Acquisition Methodology"(SAM). This philosophy covers simplification of the
inception of the project to beneficial occupancy and includes planning, design, contract
administration, safety, QA/QC etc. SAM requires team effort of all disciplines involved in the
design, contracting and construction processes to make this effort a success. As USACE gains
further experience on SAM, standard operating procedures, scopes of works etc. will be
developed for the benefit of all concerned. The simplification process is envisioned as a panacea
to repair decaying facilities at installations throughout our nation and overseas.
b. Application. The following are examples of the application of SDM, [Note: SDM should
not be limited to the examples listed below, all projects should be evaluated for SDM application
and techniques]:
(1) SDM is ideal for repair portions of operational, administration, community, family
housing, maintenance etc, facilities.