UFC 1-300-02
September 2004
Change 4 December 2006
The most current versions of the UFGS are available on the Internet in both PDF and
SEC formats from the Whole Building Design Guide DOD web page
(http://dod.wbdg.org/.) Additionally, the entire UFGS Master, in SEC format, is available
on the Internet in a zipped file with the extension ZIP.
Each UFGS carries an identifying document number in accordance with the CSI
MasterFormat. Part and subparts (paragraph and subparagraphs) within the UFGS are
numbered in accordance with the SpecsIntact number-period system. Each part and
subpart down to the fourth level \is/4/ numbered.
Subpart Titles
Each numbered subpart must have a title; uppercase for the first subpart (level one) and
title case for the second and third level subparts.
Units of Measure (English)(Metric)
SpecsIntact allows tailoring of the project specifications with either English or Metric
units of measure. Metric units can be hard or soft. Use hard metric for measurements
when products are available in metric units or for direct field measurements, e.g.,
<MET>50mm<MET>. Use soft metric for measurements when the products are not
available in metric units. Soft metric is designated in metric projects with the governing
English unit of measure in parenthesis following the metric approximate unit, e.g.,
<MET>50mm (2 inch)<MET>.
Reference Publications
All references used in the UFGS are listed in the paragraph entitled "REFERENCES".
Standards producing organizations cited in the paragraph must be identified with the
acronym used by the organization or given an appropriate acronym if none has been
assigned by the organization. \If there are conflicting acronyms, the acronym posted
on the Information Handling System (IHS) will be used. Where dual acronyms may be
used to identify the standards producing organization and an underwriting organization,
such as ANSI/IEEE, use the issuing organization only, IEEE in this case. /4/In the
UFGS, the reference identifier (RID) for the reference must appear and be tagged in the
reference paragraph and at all occurrences in the text using the SpecsIntact software.
\The RID shall consist of the organization acronym and publication number as posted
in IHS. /4/Use the most current reference standard in the UFGS unless specific reason
exists to cite an earlier version of the standard. \The reference title shall consist of the
year of publication in parenthesis followed by the title as it is listed in IHS. When the
reference includes revisions (R), editions, errata (e), etc., a semi-colon will separate the
original date from the latest subsequent date of change. /4/Use the Unified Master
Reference List (UMRL) in conjunction with the SpecsIntact software to automatically
update the standards referenced in the UFGS. Use private-sector reference standards
to the maximum extent possible. This provides common commercial specifications for
products and their installation, and reduces the written text in the body of the UFGS.