UFC 3-410-01FA
15 May 2003
Consider both unit heaters and radiant heaters as alternatives in the life cycle cost
analysis. Evaporative cooling may be provided in active warehouses where effective.
Dehumidified Warehouse. Where only humidity control is required,
compare dry desiccant-type dehumidifier and refrigerated dehumidification in the life
cycle cost analysis. The dry desiccant type will consist of two stationary beds or will be
the rotary type with operation alternating between drying and refrigeration. Where both
temperature and humidity control are required, use a central air conditioning system.
Design HVAC systems to provide control over space temperature conditions
including contaminants and fume control appropriate to the space function. Provide
exhaust systems with fume hoods to remove toxic substances as near to the source of
the fumes as practical. Hood and system design will follow the recommendations of the
American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists Manual. Base minimum
design face velocities for hoods on the toxicity of the material being handled. Face
velocities at the hood opening should be as follows: highly toxic substances at 125 fpm
(0.65 m/s), general laboratory exhaust at 80 fpm (0.45 m/s), and non-toxic substances
at 5 fpm (0.025 m/s).
Base the amount of supply air on the room-cooling load and all exhaust
requirements. Locate supply air intakes with care to avoid cross contamination with
exhaust air discharges. Design air supply, exhaust and automatic control systems to
provide flexibility for potential changes in the use of space.
HOSPITALS. HVAC designs for hospitals will be in accordance with UFC 4-
510-01 Medical Military Facilities.
COMMISSARIES. HVAC designs for commissaries will be in accordance with
the TI 800-01 Design Criteria.
LAUNDRIES AND DRY CLEANERS. Mechanical ventilation will generally
be the primary method of heat dissipation. Evaporative cooling may be provided where
effective. Spot air conditioning or general air conditioning may be provided to keep the
temperature in the work areas from exceeding 85 degrees F (29 degrees C). Coil
discharge temperatures used in spot cooling should be 50 degrees F (10 degrees C)
dry bulb maximum for maximum dehumidification. Where feasible, use heat recovery
equipment on exhaust air to temper makeup air in cold weather. Design clothes dryer
exhaust venting in accordance with ETL 1110-3-483, Clothes Dryer Exhaust.
RESERVE CENTERS. Typically, only a small portion of a reserve center is
occupied during normal working hours, while the balance of the facility is used primarily
for weekends only. Consider the anticipated occupancy pattern when developing
equipment layout and sequence of operation in order to ensure that overall life cycle
cost is minimized. Otherwise, HVAC design shall be in accordance with UFC 4-171-05
Army Reserve Facilities.