UFC 3-400-01
5 July 2002
PURPOSE. This document establishes minimum standards and policy for
energy and water conservation in new construction and renovation of existing facilities.
Federal facilities are required to comply with various Executive Orders and
Congressional actions regarding energy and water use, conservation and efficiency
standards. In addition, the services have other unique requirements to ensure the
planning, programming, design and construction of energy efficient, life-cycle cost
effective facilities that meet the mission requirements and needs of the services. These
requirements are an integral part of the criteria and standards used by each of the
services. Full compliance with this and other DoD Unified Facility Criteria documents
and Unified Facility Guide Specifications, along with any service unique criteria and
guidance, will ensure that facilities are planned, designed and constructed in
accordance with Federal Regulations, Executive Orders, Congressional actions and
similar mandates.
SCOPE. This UFC applies to new construction and to both major and minor
facility renovations.
Major Renovation. Building modifications should be classified as a major
renovation if the overall features of the building's envelope will be substantially altered
or if the changes include substantial replacement of the building's lighting, plumbing,
electrical, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in combination
with other significant alterations of the building's spaces. Other modifications to a
building may be categorized as a major renovation depending on the overall magnitude
and scope of the work to be accomplished. Buildings classified as major renovation
projects will comply with all energy and water conservation methods and standards, to
the extent life cycle cost effective and technically feasible for the application at hand. All
building components and systems being renovated or replaced must comply with their
respective energy and water conservation criteria. Major upgrades to "new building"
energy and water conservation levels should be planned for funding as early as possible
on DD Form 1391. Funding requirements to implement energy and water conservation
measures will be an integral part of the concept design.
1-2.2. Minor Modifications and Renovations. Repair and/or replacement of
windows, doors, lighting fixtures, HVAC equipment, and similar type modifications to
existing buildings will be classified as minor repairs or modifications. Other changes to
an existing building, requiring modifications to one or several sections only, should be
classified as a minor renovation. The classification of a building modification into a
minor or major renovation category depends on the overall magnitude and scope of
work to be accomplished. Minor repairs, modifications, and renovations will comply with
applicable energy and water conservation criteria to the extent of the item or system to