located to the subsidiary facilities, which house,
1 1. General.
support, a n d p r o t e c t t h e p r i m e m i s s i o n
a. This series of manuals, entitled Designing Fa-
materiel/personnel (PMMP). This manual is appli-
cilities to Resist Nuclear Weapon Effects, is orga-
cable to permanent facilities, such as those associ-
nized as follows:
ated with weapon systems, materiel stockpiles,
command centers, manufacturing centers, and
Facilities System Engineering
Weapon Effects
d. The nuclear weapon threats considered are
listed below. Biological, chemical, and conventional.
Stock Isolation Systems
weapon attacks are not considered.
A i r Entrainment, Fasteners,
--Weapons aimed at the facility itself or at
nearby targets
Hydraulic-Surge Protective
--A range from many, relatively small-yield
D e v i c e s , EMP Protective
weapons to a single super-yield weapon
--Weapon yields from tens of kilotons to hun-
dreds of megatons
--Weapon delivery by aerial bombing, air-to-
TM 5-858-7 Facility Support Systems
surface missile, surface-to-surface missile,
TM 5-8588 Illustrative Examples
or satellite-launched vehicle
A list of references pertinent to each manual is
--Detonation (burst) of a weapon in the air, at
placed in an appendix. Additional appendixes and
the ground surface, or beneath the ground
bibliographies are used, as required, for documen-
--Direct-overhead bursts for a deep-buried
tation of supporting information. Pertinent biblio-
graphic material is identified in the text with the
author's name placed in parentheses. Such biblio-
--Near-miss bursts for a near-surface facility,
producing peak over-pressures from tens
graphic material is not necessary for the use of this
manual; the name and source of publications relat-
to thousands of psi at the facility
ed to the subject of this manual is provided for in-
e. The designing of facilities resistant to nuclear
formation purposes.
weapon effects is an evolving specialty using a rel-
b. The purpose of this series of manuals' is to
atively narrow data base that incorporates both
provide guidance to engineers engaged in design-
random and systematic uncertainties. The range of
ing facilities that are required to resist nuclear
these uncertainties may vary from significant (or-
weapon effects. It has been written for systems,
der of 1 to 2 magnitudes) to normal (10 to 100 per-
structural, mechanical, electrical, and test engi-
cent variation from average values). The applicable
neers possessing state-of-the-art expertise in their
uncertainty value depends on the specific weapon
effect or hardening objective under consideration.
respective disciplines, but having little knowledge
Loading uncertainty is generally more significant
of nuclear weapon effects on facilities. While it is
applicable as general design guidelines to all Corps
propriate uncertainty (extent of ignorance) factor
of Engineers specialists who participate in design-
is essential not only for system engineering trade-
ing permanent military facilities, it has been writ-
offs, but in the utilization of available analysis or
ten and organized on the assumption a systems-
test procedures. Studies and experiments are be-
engineering group will coordinate design of the
ing conducted to improve methodology, to better
c. Technical Manual 5-858 addresses only the
define random uncertainties, and to reduce system-
atic uncertainties. This manual will be revised as
designing of hardened facilities; other techniques
significant improvements occur in either methodol-
to achieve survival capacity against nuclear weap-
on attacks are deception, duplication, dispersion,
ogy or data base.
nomadization, reconstitution, and active defense. A
facility is said to be hardened if it has been de-
1-2. TM 5858-7: Facility support systems.
This volume presents design guidelines for the fa-
signed to directly resist and mitigate the weapon
effects. Most of the hardening requirements are al-
cility support systems: Power supply, waste-heat