TI 809-51
15 September 1999
c. Structural Review Score Sheet. This form (Figure C2-4) is completed using the
instructions in Appendix B and the information obtained from drawings and other sources, and
confirmed by visual inspection of the building.
Although the plan of the building is not purely rectangular, the irregularity does not appear
severe enough in the initial review to warrant deduction in the structural score. The basic score
of 2.5 for the Model Building Type 13 is modified by -1.0 for having between 2 to 4 stories; +0.5
for better than average detailing; and -0.6 for Soil Type SD. This results in a final score of 1.4.
Installation Report
The final score for the building can then be ranked with other installation building scores to
compare the relative seismic vulnerability of all nonexempt buildings at the installation. The
procedures for seismic vulnerability ranking of buildings and preparation of the Installation
Report that summarizes the seismic review findings are described in Appendix D.