TM 5-809-1/AFM 88-3, Chap. 15
a. Contraction joints.
forces caused by subsequent expansion. Contraction
Weakened-plane contraction joints are provided to
joints will be required transversely and may be
control cracking in the concrete and to limit curling
required longitudinally depending upon slab
or warping stresses resulting from drying shrinkage
thickness and spacing of construction joints.
and contraction and from temperature and moisture
Contraction joints for reinforced and nonreinforced
gradients in the slab, respectively. Shrinkage and
floor slabs are shown in figures 5-6 and 5-7,
contraction of the concrete causes slight cracking
respectively. Instructions regarding the use of saw
and separation of the slabs at the weakened planes,
cuts or preformed inserts to form the weakened
which will provide some relief from tensile forces
plane are contained in TM 5-822-7/ AFM 88-6,
resulting from foundation restraint and compressive
Chap. 8.