TI 809-26
1 March 2000
work if desired, visually inspected, then bent approximately 30o. If the stud weld passes the visual and
bend testing, then production welding may begin. For composite construction, the stud need not be bent
back to the original position. See AWS D1.1 Section 7.7.1. The pre-production test must be repeated
whenever there are changes to the following items: voltage, current, time, or gun lift and plunge.
Following the application of studs and the removal of the ferrules, all stud welds are visually inspected
for flash about the entire perimeter of the stud base. Those with missing flash may be repaired, or tested
using a bend test applied approximately 15o in the direction opposite the missing flash. Should the stud
weld not fracture, the stud is accepted and may be left in place in the bent condition when used in
composite construction. The inspector may 15o bend test any stud, if desired, even if full flash is
apparent. See AWS D1.1 Section 7.8.