TI 809-02
1 September 1999
stresses (and cracking potential) at service load conditions. Small diameter bars at close
spacing are encouraged in order to limit crack widths. Cover requirements greater than those
of ACI 318 are required to provide increased protection against reinforcing steel corrosion.
Information on joints, joint details, and waterstops are also covered in the ACI Committee 350
12-7. CONCRETE BLAST RESISTANT STRUCTURES. Design of structures to resist the
effects of accidental explosions will be in accordance with TM 5-1300/AFM 88-22/P-397,
"Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions" and Navy Design Manual (DM) 2.08,
"Blast Resistant Structures." The design of blast-resistant structures must consider the
transient loadings and dynamic response of the structure that result from the specified design
event. Blast-resistant design is often required in conjunction with the construction of weapons
system facilities, both developmental and operational, as well as for hardened structures
designed to resist the effects of intentional attack.