UFC 3-280-03
23 JULY 2003
2-6.2.4 Pilot-Scale and On-Line Testing. Based on the results of jar tests or the
other tests previously described, pilot-scale testing or on-line testing can be done to
evaluate different conditioners and to determine their optimum dosage based on actual
thickening or dewatering performance. During pilot-scale and on-line tests, actual
samples of the raw sludge feed, conditioned sludge, thickened or filter cake discharge,
and filtrate or supernatant are collected and analyzed. On the basis of these test results,
an economic analysis may also be conducted as part of the final evaluation of the
optimum dosage. In addition to evaluating and optimizing conditioning agents, pilot-
scale and on-line testing can be used to determine filter press operating conditions,
such as optimal filtration cycle times and pressures (i.e., feed, compression, extraction),
required filtration area, and the need for filter media precoat and filter aids.
Pilot-scale testing is commercially available from several filter or filter press
manufacturers that have bench-scale equipment (i.e., cylinders or plate unit) and trailer
mounted equipment that can simulate actual operating conditions.
In addition to pilot-scale testing, on-line testing to verify optimal operating
conditions should be done after the filter press is installed. During this testing,
conditioning dosages may be further optimized, and actual dewatering operation condi-
tions (such as cycle times) and equipment selections (such as the filter media or the
need for precoating or filter media washing) may be further refined.
SIZING CRITERIA. The sizing of the major components of the filter press and
accessories and auxiliary systems primarily depends on the specific flow rate and type
of sludge generated and its associated characteristics. In addition to the sludge
characteristics, the mode of operation, such as the overall size of the required sludge
dewatering systems and whether the sludge dewatering system requires continuous
batch operation or is operated in a periodic batch mode, will also affect the sizing of
major components. An example of a continuous batch mode operation is a municipal
wastewater treatment system that requires several sludge dewatering cycles per day
and continuous operation over a 5- to 7-day period per week because of continuous
flow or wastewater being treated. An example of a periodic batch operation system is an
application where only limited amounts of sludge are generated over an extended
period or where a batch waste treatment system is only used periodically for sludge
dewatering. The specific type and size of equipment should be capable of processing
the sludge to a form suitable for its ultimate disposal.
The "Ten States Standards," Recommended Standards for Wastewater
Facilities, provided by the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Public
Health and Environmental Managers, contains minimum requirements for sludge proc-
essing using mechanical dewatering equipment, such as the plate and frame filter press
system, that can be applied to HTRW applications and are summarized in this
paragraph for reference (GLUMRB 1990). In addition to the sludge processing
requirements, the "Ten States Standards" also provide guidelines for wastewater
treatment, including the design of influent piping systems, treatment processes, and
discharge. Although these are industry accepted guidelines, the requirements