UFC 3-280-03
23 JULY 2003
air would typically be equipped with an air receiver, air filters, air coolers, air dryer, and
associated valves and pressure gauges. The plant air side of this system would typically
consist of an air receiver and associated valves and pressure gauges. The type and
quality of air required for specific equipment may be best determined by manufacturer's
and equipment supplier's recommendations.
To properly size the air compressors in the design, the capacity of the air
compressor versus the air receiving tanks must be evaluated. For example, for batch
applications requiring small amounts of air, a small-capacity air compressor and large
capacity air receiving tank may be better than a system with an air compressor and
receiving tank of equal capacity because maintenance and operation will be easier and
the initial costs will be lower. However, if the system requires continuous operation or
larger quantities of air, a larger capacity compressor and equally sized air receiving tank
may be best because less work will be required from the air compressor.