DG 1110-1-1
12 Nov 99
technologies: Site assessment and selection of
unsaturated zone treatment technologies. Risk Red. Eng.
Lab., Cincinnati, OH.
USEPA 600/2-90/027, 1990. Assessing UST corrective action
technologies: Early screening of cleanup technologies for
the saturated zone. Risk Red. Eng. Lab., Cincinnati, OH
USEPA 600/K-93/002, 1993. Bioremediation of Hazardous Waste
Sites Practice Approaches to Implementation.
USEPA 600/S8-88/008, 1988. Laboratory Protocol for
Determining Fate of Waste Disposed in Deep Wells.
USEPA 625/4-91/026, 1991. Seminar publication: Site
characterization for subsurface remediation. R.S. Kerr
Environ. Res. Lab., Ada, OK.
USEPA 625/R-94/003, 1994. Manual: Alternative methods for
fluid delivery and recovery. Risk Red. Eng. Lab.,
Cincinnati, OH.
USEPA (OSWER Directive 9355.4-03) Oct. 1989. Considerations
Wiedemeier, T., J.T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell, R.N. Miller, and
J.E. Hansen, 1995. Technical Protocol for Implementing
Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for
Excellence, Technology Transfer Division, Brooks AFB, San
Antonio, TX.
Fate and Transport
Abdul, A.S., 1988. Migration of petroleum products through
Review, 8(4): 73-81.
Ballestero, T.P., F.R. Fiedler, and N.E. Kinner, 1994. An
investigation of the relationship between actual and
apparent gasoline thickness in a uniform sand aquifer.
Ground Water, 32(5):708-718.