DG 1110-1-1
12 Nov 99
Subsurface Gas Releases, RCRA Facility Investigation
(RFI) Guidance, III.
Subsurface Gas Releases, RCRA Facility Investigation
(RFI) Guidance, II.
Subsurface Gas Releases, RCRA Facility Investigation
(RFI) Guidance, I.
USEPA 540/G-87/004 1987. Data Quality Objectives for Remedial
Response Activities, Example Scenario: RI/FS Activities
at a Site with Contaminated Soils and Groundwater, OSWER
Directive 9355.0-7B.
USEPA 540/G-89/004, Oct. 1988. Guidance for Conducting
Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies Under
CERCLA, Interim Final, NTIS# PB89-184626, OSWER Directive
USEPA 540/S-92/001.
Chemical Enhancements of Pump and Treat
USEPA 540/R-92/071a, 1992. Guidance for Conducting
Treatability Studies Under CERCLA.
USEPA 542/B-95/002, 1995. Guide to documenting cost and
performance for remediation projects.
USEPA 570/9-75/001, 1977. Manual of water well construction
practices. Office of Water Supply, Washington, DC.
USEPA 600/2-77/240, 1977. An Introduction to the Technology
of Subsurface Wastewater Injection.
USEPA 600/4-89/034, 1989. Handbook of Suggested Practices for
USEPA 600/8-90/003, 1990. Basics of Pump-and-Treat ground
Water Remediation Technology.
USEPA 600/2-93/118, 1993.