UFC 3-270-07
12 August 2002
firm grip.
2- Asphalt Pavements. Anchoring in asphalt pavement requires a 241.3-
millimeter (9.5-inch) bolt and polymer. A hole 254 millimeters deep and 38 millimeters
in diameter (10 inches deep and 1.5 inches in diameter) is drilled at the center of each
predrilled mat hole. A two-part resin polymer is mixed and poured into each hole to
about 38 millimeters (0.5 inch) below the surface of the pavement. An anchor bushing
and bolt are immediately placed into each hole and pressed firmly (standing on the bolt
and bushing) against the mat. The polymer will harden in about three minutes. Unless
extra people are available, there may not be time to drill all the holes before beginning
to pour the polymer. Drilling and setting the bolts are usually accomplished
Navy/Marine Corps. AM-2 matting is used for the construction of complete
runways, taxiways, parking areas, and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) pads in
accordance with NAWCADLKE-MISC-48J200-0011 and NAVAIR 51-60A-1.
Assembling AM-2 to accommodate these various applications requires a number of
special pieces (e.g., connectors, keylocks, spacer mats, adapters) not normally used for
an AM-2 patch. Many applications require anchoring or staking to stop vertical and
horizontal movement. Anchors and stakes must be installed and tested in accordance
with NAWCADLKE-MISC-48J200-0011 and NAVAIR 51-60A-1.
Air Force.
2-4.2.1 Purpose. The extruded aluminum alloy matting designated as AM-2 has
been in the Air Force inventory for almost 40 years. Once the mainstay of rapid runway
crater repairs, it has been mostly relegated to a secondary use for taxiway repairs and
parking apron expansion. It does, however, represent an option for runway repairs if
other methods cannot be used. AM-2 mat repair must meet the RQC for its location on
the runway.
2-4.2.2 Limitations. AM-2 mat repair kits are generally acceptable for fighter aircraft
and C-130s but inadequate for jet cargo aircraft landing strips. This limitation is due to
the inadequate anchoring system, narrow patch width (16.5 meters wide by 23.6 meters
long [54 feet wide by 77.5 feet long]), and susceptibility to jet blast from outboard
engines. AM-2 mats can be used to repair taxiways and aprons if braking and tight
turns are limited on the mat. Adequate drainage of the base and subbase layers is
important. Excess moisture in these layers will cause a reduction in the load-bearing
capacity of the subsurface material, and subsequently mat failure.
2-4.2.3 Factors Affecting AM-2 Life. AM-2 has proven over the years to be the best
metal surface matting in the DOD inventory; however, it is not the panacea for all
expedient and theater of operations airfield problems. Its life expectancy is directly
proportional to the quality of the base, subbase, and the amount of traffic. Weather also
seriously affects its service and life. Where there is heavy rainfall, water collects under