UFC 3-270-01
15 March 2001
7.2.4. Place and compact repair material. For the patch to be most effective, a good-quality
hot-asphalt plant mix should be used. If the repair is deep enough, the asphalt should be placed
in lifts of no more than 2 to 3 inches (50 to 75 millimeters) thick. To repair ruts, level lifts should
fill the ruts rather than lifts conforming to the shape of the rut (Figure 7.1.). Use the appropriate
equipment to compact the asphalt. On the final lift placement, the patch area should be overfilled
to allow for compaction. When fully compacted, the patch should be level or within 1/8 inch (3
millimeters) of the surrounding surface. A pneumatic-tire roller works best for compacting
material in ruts and depressions. If hot-mix material is not available, a cold-mix material can be
used; however, the patch will not have a long service life. During inclement weather conditions, it
is recommended that cold-mix materials be used for repairs.
7.3. Problem Areas. The edges of the patch shall be as straight and vertical as possible. Too
much tack coating should be avoided. When repairing a rut or depression, the asphalt material
should be properly placed to ensure the repair is level with the surrounding pavement.