TM 5-830-3/AFM 88-17, Chap. 3
distributor. Bituminous materials lubricate the asphalt
5-1. General
distributor pump when they pass through (this is an
Dust control is based on many factors and methods.
inherent feature of bituminous materials). In order to
More than one dust palliative is normally found to be
spray other types of dust palliatives (polyvinyl acetate,
satisfactory for the method selected.
salts, etc.), the asphalt distributor pump should be
considerations should determine the dust palliative
altered for external lubrication of the pump shaft
selected for use.
brushings as shown in figure 5-1. The alteration is
estimated to cost less than 0 (1985). Aggregate and
5-2. Economic factors
membrane costs are best taken from the supplier(s) near
Economic factors should include, but not limited to, the
the area where dust control is planned. This is especially
following items:
true for membrane costs. Labor costs associated with
-Initial cost of the dust palliative(s) at site.
these two methods vary according to the size crew
-Equipment and labor costs (by method if
employed. The minimum size crew for spraying a dust
palliative is one foreman and/or civil engineering
-Maintenance costs (see paragraph 5-2c).
technician, one distributor operator, and one laborer. It is
-Material storage costs (if applicable).
possible to contract the application of dust palliatives.
-Shipping costs, equipment acquisition/modification
Many membrane suppliers will also contract to place
their own materials.
-Area preparation (clearing and grubbing should be
(3) Admix method. This method is probably
expected at all sites).
the most expensive method described. It requires
From these factors, the most economical dust palliative
equipment and man power similar to that associated with
can be determined.
common road building techniques. The admix method
a. Initial cost. The initial cost of the dust palliative
requires a rotary tiller mixer, a motor grader, a rubber
should not be the governing factor in making the
tired roller, and a water truck. The labor force requires a
selection. Any suitable dust palliative already on hand
foreman, operators for the equipment, and two to four
should be given every consideration, especially when
laborers. The number of laborers is determined by the
placement equipment is available.
method selected for distributing the admix material. The
b. Equipment and labor costs.
material cost; cement, lime, or bituminous material is
(1) Agronomic method.
Costs associated
best acquired from the supplier(s) nearest the area
with this method should closely parallel the local turf
where dust control is desired. (See TM 5-822-4)
seeding or landscape planting operational costs in the
c . Maintenance. No dust-control method or dust
area where dust control is desired. Landscape
palliative provides a maintenance-free solution. Indeed,
contractors or similar firms can provide rough estimates
frequent maintenance is usually required.
for planning purposes.
(2) Surface penetrant and surface blanket.
Both of these methods recommend some spray on dust
palliatives which can be placed with a common asphalt