TM 5-826-6/AFR 93-5
is spalled. A knowledge of slab dimensions beneath the AC surface will help to identify these cracks.
(2) Severity levels.
(a) Low severity level (L). Cracks have only light spalling (little or no FOD potential) or no spalling and
can be filled or nonfilled. If nonfilled, the cracks have a mean width of /4 inch or less. Filled cracks are of any width, but
their filler material is in satisfactory condition (fig. A-23).
(b) Medium severity level (M). One of four possible conditions exists:
- Cracks are moderately spalled with some loose particles (some FOD, potential) and can be either
filled or nonfilled and of any width.
- Filled cracks are not spalled or are only lightly spalled, but the filler is in unsatisfactory condition.
- Nonfilled cracks are not spalled or are only lightly spalled, but the mean crack width is greater than
/4 inch.
- Light random cracking exists near the crack or at the corners of intersecting cracks (figures A-24
through A-25).