TM 5-826-6/AFR 93-5
6-1. Sample unit inspection and record keeping. Each sample unit, or those selected by the sampling procedure, in
the feature is inspected. The inspection is conducted by walking over the sample unit measuring the distress type and
severity, as stated in appendix A, and recording the data on the flexible pavement survey data sheet (fig. 6-1). One data
sheet is used for each sample unit. A hand odometer is very helpful for measuring distress. A 10-foot straightedge and
12-inch scale must be available for measuring depths of ruts or depressions. Each column on the data sheet is used to
represent a distress type, and the amount and severity of each distress located are listed in the column. For example,
distress No. 45 (depression) is recorded at 6 X 4 feet and of low severity. Distress No. 48 (longitudinal and transverse
cracking) is measured in linear feet; thus 10L indicates 10 feet of light cracking. This procedure is very conventient for
recording data in the field.
6-2. Inspection summary. Space is provided on the flexible pavement survey data sheet for summarizing the distresses
and computing the PCI for the sample unit. Each distress type and severity level are summed either in square feet or
linear feet, depending on the type of distress. The total units, either in square feet or linear feet, for each distress type and
severity level are divided by the area of the sample unit to obtain the percent density. Using figures 6-2 through 6-17, the
deduct value for each distress type and severity level can be determined. The deduct values are summed to obtain the
deduct total.